Originally started on October 7, 1995; the U.S.S. Reaent was a chatroom based sim that was a founding member of the Star Trek� Simulation Forum (STSF). The game operated in the post-Star Trek Nemesis timeframe and was one of the longest running options within the organization. Adventures often involved missions which didn't finish for several months, allowing the crew an opportunity to dive into a rich and in depth simming environment.
At the conclusion of normal operations, the Reaent operated with events within the Trek-Prime timeline immediately following the destruction of the Romulan homeworld. These events played a critical role in the final year of the sim, including exploration into refugee and rogue military situations. While not an exact copy, anyone who may have read the Star Trek: Titan and Star Trek: Destiny series of books may find some similiarities with the universe the ship faces.
The final incarnation of the Reaent was an Ambassador-class starship, the same design as the ill fated U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-C. While you can find further information on this site, the ship has had massive updates and featured a fully functional fighter bay for additional defense. In later years, the age of the ship itself started to become an issue sometimes requiring less than normal operations to take place.
The Reaent sim was one with an extremely rich history stretching back more than two decades. Four incarnations have operated since 1995. Originally starting in a timeframe after Star Trek IV, when a timeline shift occurred the game inadvertinately became one of the first live chat-based roleplaying simulations on America Online to utilize the Sovereign-class design.
As time has passed, the sim has been a part of several different organizations. From concept until present, the ship has remainder under direction of her founder, Fred Michaels under numerous playing names. Originally started in the Continuum OnLine (COL) group in 1995, it became a founding member of the Celestial Prime Alliance (CPA) in 1997. After a brief haitus in late 2000 until late 2001, the game resumed under the official Star Trek roleplaying forum of America Online, SpaceFleet OnLine (SFOL). Finally, in 2002, it relocated as a founding member of STSF with connections to startrek.com.
The game concluded on the 8th of October, 2015 following 20 years and 1 day of service.
Inquiries regarding the game can be made by contacting Fred Michaels and/or Aidan Ridire. There are a select group of individuals who have held the most senior positions of the Reaent over the years and helped to guide it. These GMs include: