Station Roster

Below displays the most current public copy of the station roster or crew manifest. This document is updated as often as possible, but it can take time for the webmaster to update. Be aware that openings do change on a daily basis. Contact the Personnel Manager for STSF to get the most current information available.

Should you be interested in joining the adventures of Sky Harbor Aegis, we suggest that you visit the How To Join section of our website. Any player who has graduated from the Star Trek� Simulation Forum Academy program may apply.

More detailed information about each character can be found by moving the cursor over their name.

Please note this sim does often accept individuals looking to play non-standard characters such as a diplomat or civilian shop keeper. Participation often requires the rank of Lieutenant aboard another STSF advanced sim and a recommendation from your current CO. Please visit on a Friday night to discuss such possibilities directly with the hosting team.