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The following is a joint log with Ambassador T'Salik, with me writing the bits for Weyoun. Enjoy!


“What you ask,” Ambassador T’Salik answered crisply, “is simply not possible.”


The Vulcan diplomat sat regally across from Weyoun, current Dominion advisor to Camelot Station. Weyoun leaned forward earnestly. “Surely the Federation can see the logic,” he urged, “in avoiding a costly civil war that could quickly spill into the Alpha Quadrant.” He shook his head slowly, his eyes downcast.


They were already in their third hour of discussions. Playing to the ambassador’s intellect, Weyoun had spent time giving her a comprehensive review of the state of the Dominion border, an account of the recent attacks, and the reaction of the Vorta Council – particularly the transmission made by Keevan. (See log by Commander Corizon.)


“The logic is flawless,” the Vulcan diplomat conceded. “Federation interests are indeed at risk with such instability.”


“Helping calm this sitation might cement future relations,” Weyoun added soothingly, “and be quite a diplomatic triumph.”


“Yes,” the ambassador agreed.


“Then you will help me?” he pressed.


“Not at this time.”


The Vorta looked mildly surprised. “With reliable guidance, we could keep this incident from degenerating…”


I am not the one you need to convince,” T’Salik interjected.


Weyoun assessed her briefly, then nodded thoughtfully. “Of course,” he admitted, “I’ll need help to persuade the Klingons. Someone with your negotiating skills...”


“No,” she countered, “that will come later.”


The Vorta looked non-plussed. Finally, he folded his hands, waiting for her to continue.


“Quite simply,” T’Salik explained, “your proposal does not have the endorsement of the legitimate authority for the Dominion. I will not support unsanctioned acts of cowboy diplomacy, on behalf of my government or yours.”


“You mean,” Weyoun began, putting it together, “that you want assurance that I have authorization from the Vorta Council.”


The Vulcan woman sat impassively, letting the silence be her answer.


“How interesting,” he confessed. Weyoun considered how he could possibly gain approval from the same group who was purging their own species of those lacking “loyalty”. Keevan had already invoked memories of Weyoun Six to cast doubt on his own allegiance. (See previous log.) He wondered, could he convince others on the Council that his proposal was the only way to end their self-destruction? Or would it be seen as so radical it would end him and his line? Was the Grey Battalion already on its way?


Signalling an end to the discussion, T’Salik leaned forward and got to her feet gracefully. Weyoun followed the move. “Ambassador,” he assured her, “I will contact you as soon as I have proof of consent.” Once standing, she towered a full head over him. He raised his hand, mimicking the Vulcan salute. He surveyed his counterpart discreetly as she returned the gesture. Her appearance, with braided blonde hair and light blue eyes, was atypical of Vulcans. He gestured toward the Jem’Hadar guard at the door, who stepped forward to escort her out of the Dominion Wing.


As she turned to go, Weyoun mused that she had effectively boxed him into an unenviable position. So much for unimpressive credentials, he noted. He wondered what else was atypical about the ambassdor.

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Surely the Federation can see the logic,”

::Brian appears in a quick cameo::


I do see the logic...


and don't call me Shirley!

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