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IKR LaKota / QoB

Captain Huff -> BEGIN SIM! (lol>>

Captain Huff -> <<do that during the sim!>>

Captain Huff -> ::eating and talking politics::

STSF_KBear -> <<Like on the Hood Right?>>

Captain Huff -> <<see?>>

Captain Huff -> <<hell yeah>>

Sargh -> ::munching on a cornlizard and listening in on the discussion::

Captain Huff -> I have no way of knowing what direction the Council has taken

V'Roy -> Mmm, cornlizzards.

Captain Huff -> <,rofl cornlizard>>

Captain Huff -> ::hopes Mnstral is well::

Random Perfect -> or if there is even one to go back to

Captain Huff -> ::nods::

Captain Huff -> What is our ETA to the Guild planet?

STSF_KBear -> ::sitting on the meH watching the stars go by as they head towards HQ::

V'Roy -> For all we know the Federation and Empire are at war again.

STSF_KBear -> **Guild planet::

STSF_KBear -> VRoy bite your tongue It was long in coming that we worked together and even longer to trust one another.

V'Roy -> If I bite my tongue I'll end up like that Pink guy. ::turns to Random:: You would like that, wouldn't you?

Random Perfect -> The mute part yes..

Random Perfect -> the Husband part, not so much

V'Roy -> ::squirts some mustard on his corn lizzard::

QobEMH -> Thing> ::running around with her::

Random Perfect -> ::Sips from Mug::

STSF_KBear -> I have to agree with Random the mute part I would like.

STSF_KBear -> ::turns to Bch:: HoD We ave entered the system that houses the GUild planet.

QobEMH -> <sorry, had my finger on the z button.. um were close to entering the guild system last week>

STSF_KBear -> ::sees thing running around:: Where is the HoD EMH?

V'Roy -> Just press the Z hot-key button and he will appear.

Random Perfect -> ::sips again::

Random Perfect -> ::taps console::

STSF_KBear -> It cant hurt ::presses the Z hot-key and waits::

QobEMH -> Thing> ::"hears" the comm.. takes it's date home and then heads for the MeH::

STSF_KBear -> Slow the ship to impulse we are getting close.

TroNoQ -> ::heads onto Bridge::

TroNoQ -> MeH*

QobEMH -> Thing> ::enters the Meh::

Captain Huff -> <<bridge works - we have working universal translators>>

STSF_KBear -> ::sees Thing:: Thing the EMH?

QobEMH -> Thing> ::hops onto the big chair::

STSF_KBear -> VRoy activated the EMH Hologram

Random Perfect -> ::looks at Sargh::

V'Roy -> Actually, you did. I just told you how.

QobEMH -> ::shimmers out:: Report..

Sargh -> ::bites a leg off of his cornlizard and looks at Random:: Hm?

TroNoQ -> So what are we doing? ::good mood::

STSF_KBear -> EmH we are closing on the GUild planet

QobEMH -> Very good. Slow to impulse.. Sensor readings?

Random Perfect -> ::Sighs::

STSF_KBear -> ::looks to TroNoQ:: just after speaking to the HoD::

STSF_KBear -> We have slowed .

STSF_KBear -> Sargh chech sensors

STSF_KBear -> *Check

Random Perfect -> not picking up any hails

Random Perfect -> no weapons have targeted us..

Sargh -> ::puts the cornlizard down on the console, checks the readings, and then looks into the ASCi viewer for a second::

QobEMH -> you expected them to com us?

STSF_KBear -> ::nods to Random::

V'Roy -> We haven't had contact with them for some time. It is not as if they are expecting us.

Random Perfect -> if it was us we would have ::Shrugs::

Sargh -> Our sensors are only picking up minimal energy readings...either this is the wrong place, or their technology works on principles with which I am not familiar.

QobEMH -> Bring us in closer to the planet.

V'Roy -> I understand they use some kind of space-folding technology.

STSF_KBear -> Sargh have your weapon ready just in case.

QobEMH -> Perhaps they will respond to us..Open all frequencies and send the general hail. IF they don't really want themselves found, they will respond.

STSF_KBear -> ::turn to Bch and EMH:: If the HoD and Rawl conquer

V'Roy -> Again? Aren't we using that thing rather indiscriminantly?

Captain Huff -> ::shrugs::

Sargh -> ::bringing the sun-killer online:: I cannot guarantee its effectiveness against a star for which it has not been specifically calibrated...the longer we can hold off before using it, the closer I can come to complete solar detonation.

Random Perfect -> ::picks up mug, sips:: Sure lets use it again

STSF_KBear -> Begin calabrations Sargh

V'Roy -> Random, you are the one always complaining about our lack of ethics.

Random Perfect -> ::Shrugs, has Blood wine in her Mug:: what is another Million

TroNoQ -> ::chuckles::

Captain Huff -> There is no honor in destroying a planet that is no threat to us

V'Roy -> They are not even an enemy.

Captain Huff -> <<must sleep - nighty night all!>>

Sargh -> ::beginning calibration sequence::

STSF_KBear -> ::looks to the EHM: Its your call HoD. do we continue or head for home.

QobEMH -> Has anyone responded to our open hails? <did anyone send?>

Random Perfect -> ::taps console:: Hailing now

STSF_KBear -> ::Listens::

QobEMH -> No response then... continue calibrating the weapon as we close on the planet.

QobEMH -> but keep an ear out for them.

V'Roy -> This is madness. Sir, whoever these people are, they have done nothing to us. What is the point of destroying them?

QobEMH -> I was led to believe they were the originators of our special drive system.. atleast that's what I believe I scaned in the logs..

QobEMH -> We came to find them to repair the device.

QobEMH -> If you have an alternative way to get their attention, I'm all Holo Ears.

V'Roy -> What? We had that drive system before entering this galacy. It is what led us here to begin with.

V'Roy -> The Guild could not have created it.

Sargh -> ::looks up from his work:: Well, if a fleet of space-folding warships launches from that planet with hostile intentions, I for one would like to be able to make as big a blast as possible.

TroNoQ -> They could have something similar...

V'Roy -> I suspect you are reading ficticious logs.

V'Roy -> Either that or your ethical subroutines have been desabled.

V'Roy -> *disabled

QobEMH -> Destabilized but not disabled, but that is enough of this selfdiagnosis. Is the Drive still damaged or not?

QobEMH -> ::is tempted to shoot Messner except for the fact that he's already on ice::

TroNoQ -> (LOL)

V'Roy -> You have admitted to having unstable ethical subroutines.

V'Roy -> You are not fit to command until they can be repaired.

STSF_KBear -> VRoy have respect for the HoD

QobEMH -> ACTION: Pause sim.. Pause sim..

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