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IRK QoB /Lakota

QobEMH -> Briefing 9-23-08 <atleast I think that's correct.. >

QobEMH -> Plans are refined for destruction of the H'tiss. Random suggests detonating the H'tiss' homeworld's star. Thanks to Thing, QobEMH returns in glory. Jay and Val learn what a kayak is.

QobEMH -> questions?

QobEMH -> I'll take that as a no.

QobEMH -> Places everyone!

QobEMH -> Begin Sim

QobEMH -> Begin Sim

QobEMH -> Begin Sim

TroNoQ -> ::trying to decide what he makes of the new EMH::

QobEMH -> ::walking towards the TL.. to head to the MeH::

Captain Huff -> ::has forgotten about the emh::

Sargh -> ::excited at the prospect of blowing up a sun::

TroNoQ -> ::also excited, but following EMH:: Do we get new warrior cookies?

Random Perfect -> ::Annoyed at her own plan

QobEMH -> In time. in time..

Random Perfect -> Presley> ::Turns off the Volly ball program::

Sargh -> ::slides up to Random:: Ma'am?

Random Perfect -> ::Side glance:: Yes Sargh?

Sargh -> ::looks away:: I...I mean...I guess...I suppose I owe you an apology.

Random Perfect -> Oh ::Lifts brow:: For which act?

Sargh -> For doubting your warrior spirit.

Random Perfect -> ::Sighs, hates her Warrior spirit::

QobEMH -> ::enters the TL:: MeH.

Sargh -> All this time, I was convinced that you were just another weak-willed Federationite, never willing to do what has to be done for the glory of the ship and the Empire...

STSF_KBear -> ::Following the others happy to have the REAL QoBEMH back::

Sargh -> But this plan of yours, to hit the star of their homeworld...it shows a real strength of will.

Captain Huff -> J&V> ::head off to parts unknown, pleased with the new "sports" program::

TroNoQ -> (Beach volleyball?)

Captain Huff -> <<right>>

Random Perfect -> ::Sighs:: I don't to anything for the Empire, it can blow up too for all I care

QobEMH -> <we loaded up Dead or Alive beach volleyball?>

Sargh -> ::shrugs:: That's to be expected; if there's anything I've learned on this ship, it's that there are some warriors who are not Klingons.

Sargh -> Anyhow, I just wanted to say...

QobEMH -> <must find hitomi>

Sargh -> For pulling this plan off, if you need me, I'll be more than happy to help.

Sargh -> In fact, it's a fascinating project...

Random Perfect -> I don't trust you

Sargh -> I might work on it on my own, for the scientific satisfaction.

TroNoQ -> (LOL)

STSF_KBear -> ::steps out onto the meh::

Random Perfect -> YOu don't have computer lab access.. you are free to doddle in a padd tho

Sargh -> ::grins slightly:: I think you underestimate my resources.

QobEMH -> ::enters the Meh::

Random Perfect -> I think by that statement I trust you even less

Random Perfect -> ::Sips coffee::

Captain Huff -> <<ohhh i get such warm fuzzies...>>

Sargh -> You don't have to trust me...when we're talking about a brilliant strike, one that is akin to cutting our enemy's heart out with a golden scalpel, it's simply in my nature to work towards the goal.

STSF_KBear -> <<BRB need to check out whos in the driveway>>

Captain Huff -> <<oh wait, that's the heat from the laptop... nm.>>

QobEMH -> <<was wondering huff, I didn't remember them on the menu>>

QobEMH -> ::takes a seat in the Big Chair::

STSF_KBear -> << back just brother getting home from work and dogs not reconising the truck>>

Sargh -> ::sips flask of bloodwine:: Oh, one last thing before I get back to work...

STSF_KBear -> ::stands next to HoD EMH::

Random Perfect -> ::Worries:: yes

Sargh -> Exploding stars, especially ones with enemy homeworlds around them, are just so very interesting...

Random Perfect -> I know I am going to hate myself for this but, what are your ideas

QobEMH -> ::stretches a little:: it really isn't ergonomically sound is it? ::to kawalus::

STSF_KBear -> Qo HoD it is not

Sargh -> Well, as you know, explosions can only travel at a certain rate...usually, when a star explodes, the inhabitants of the planet have at least several minutes to escape

Sargh -> Some forms of exotic radiation, though, travel through subspace...if we use a waveform projection to alter the star's quantum resonance, we can change its radiation emissions to wipe out all life on escaping starships.

QobEMH -> Well atleast I won't need you to straighten out my spine later.. will I.. Ha... ::claps Tronoq across the shoulderblades.. pushing him forward a little.:: ha ha ha....

STSF_KBear -> HoD EMH> If you wish I will have the engineers rebuild it.

TroNoQ -> ::grunts, feels suddenly... puny::

QobEMH -> ::looks at kawalus:: No no.. it will suffice.

Sargh -> Not to mention, it would give me a brilliant chance to study the large-mass interactions of certain exotic particles...

Random Perfect -> lets work on this in the lab... shall we?

QobEMH -> What is our status commander?

Sargh -> ::nods:: With pleasure...I've been meaning to get some things out of there, anyway.

STSF_KBear -> Waiting for conformation that the projectiles are ready to lauch HoD.

Random Perfect -> ::Stops walking:: What?

Sargh -> ::grins:: Oh, did I say something?

QobEMH -> Assuming that no one else comes up with a better plan.. ::looks at tronoq::

Random Perfect -> Please tell me

TroNoQ -> We're blowing up the sun, right? Random's plan?

Sargh -> ::keeps smiling:: Oh, it's nothing, really.

Sargh -> ...well...

QobEMH -> Unless someone brings forth a better alternative..

Sargh -> nothing especially harmful, at least.

Sargh -> I mean, it hasn't killed anyone yet.

Random Perfect -> Lets go to my office on second thought

Sargh -> ::shrugs:: All right.

QobEMH -> There are pleanty of Crewmen aboard whom I'm sure would accept a increase in rank. ::winks at kawalus::

Sargh -> I'm not entirely sure why you don't want me to have my novel back, though...it was just getting interesting, too.

STSF_KBear -> ::nods and grins::

QobEMH -> ::to kawalus:: Put a memo out to all crew.. offer the reward of a higher rank.. or perhaps a special privelidge..

QobEMH -> <ack>

STSF_KBear -> ::looks to the HoD ::

Random Perfect -> ::Enters her Office::

QobEMH -> Even the Children.. Thing says those boys of the One are quite resourseful.. It also says the same for the child of Officer Random.

Sargh -> ::following Random to her office::

STSF_KBear -> And how do they get the Higher rank or privledge HoD, For doing what?

TroNoQ -> (lag test)

Sargh -> You know, I'm glad we're working on the technical stuff now...that way if command decides to go for a less glorious option, we could do it anyway, for the research potential.

STSF_KBear -> <<Lag pass>>

Random Perfect -> ::Takes a seat, taps console::

QobEMH -> If any crewmen can bring me a better plan than our current plan, then I want to know about it.. Offer them a little something in return..

QobEMH -> a little incentive.. or motivation..

STSF_KBear -> HIaj HoD

STSF_KBear -> :: goes to console and taps in the message from the HoD:: ATTENTION ALL CREW

QobEMH -> A pity we only have the few younglings.. they can be quite delectable with the right sauce...

Sargh -> ::looking on at what Random is working on::

STSF_KBear -> If any crewmen can bring the HoD EMH a better plan than our current plan, then He wants to know about it.. He is offereing an incentive of a higher rank or in the civilians a high privledge .

STSF_KBear -> ::sends to all crew::

STSF_KBear -> :: then send to all on the ship::

Sargh -> Lagh Nodof> ::hears the announcement:: Oh, I have an idea! ::runs for the turbolift::

Random Perfect -> I am having seconds thoughts on this plan

STSF_KBear -> HoD control yourself These are family of crew

Sargh -> Nodof> ::jumping up and down excitedly as he enters the turbolift:: I'm gonna be promoted!

Sargh -> ::raises an eyebrow:: I'm sure that's simply a side effect of the anticipation.

Random Perfect -> what about the innocent people down there that will die

TroNoQ -> (LOL)

Sargh -> ::shrugs:: Que sera, sera.

Sargh -> Nodof> ::bursts onto the Meh:: I have it! I have a better plan for us!

Random Perfect -> ::Frowns:: there are kids down there

Sargh -> Enemies are enemies, whatever age they may be.

QobEMH -> ::turns in chair towards Nodof:: Spit it out then.

Sargh -> Notof> ::nods excitedly:: So it just came to me...

Sargh -> Nodof> It's something they'd never expect!

Sargh -> Nodof> All we have to do is take the ship within telescope range of their homeworld, and then detonate the warp core!

QobEMH -> ::glares at Nodof::

Sargh -> Nodof> ::stops jumping for a second:: Sir?

QobEMH -> hmm.. an intersting plan.. ::stands up and takes a step towards nodof::

Sargh -> Nodof> ::tilts his head:: I don't see what's wrong with it...

QobEMH -> ::Swiftly uppercuts nodof knocking him out flat just a step away from the TL doors::


Sargh -> Nodof> ::falls unconscious with his head in the turbolift and his body outside of it::

STSF_KBear -> ::Listening::

Sargh -> Nodof> ::regains one tiny bit of consciousness:: Ow...

QobEMH -> ::steps forward and pulls his head out of the TL.. hits him again::

QobEMH -> ::breaks his jaw::

Sargh -> Nodof> ::staggers backwards:: Mnfhh.

STSF_KBear -> ::Looks to TroNoQ:: You have a pateint I think.

QobEMH -> This is the best this crewman can come up with?

Random Perfect -> ::Sighs::

QobEMH -> ::stands and turns to tronoq and kawalus:: No no.. leave the body there.. to deter other would be fools.

Sargh -> ::slurring due to broken jaw:: I shtill think itsh a good plan...they'd never eckshpect it!

Sargh -> Nodof> ^

QobEMH -> ::kicks nodof in the gut::

Sargh -> Nodof> ::falls backwards and lands halfway in the turbolift::

STSF_KBear -> ::nods:: as you wish HoD

QobEMH -> ::turns to tronoq and leans in to whisper:: tend to his wounds.. but ensure his lack of conciousness for a few hours. Leave him lying there.

Sargh -> Nodof> ::lying on his side and groaning softly::

Sargh -> ::looks at the terminal:: Anyhow, I'll be right back...I need to get a PADD that I left on the MeH.

Sargh -> Remember, great warriors such as yourself aren't troubled by second thoughts! ::winks::

Sargh -> ::presses the call button...it's the same turbolift that Nodof is lying half in and half out of::

Random Perfect -> ::Growls::

QobEMH -> <<notes tronoq silence.. nods for Qel Kawalus to take over the order>

TroNoQ -> Aye... HoD...

QobEMH -> <lol>

Sargh -> <<Little late.>>

TroNoQ -> (I have some bad lag going, and I was away for a sec)

Sargh -> <<Well, you can tend to the half of him that's still on the Meh>>

QobEMH -> ::hears the beeping the TL makes as it's being called and being held up at the same time.. motions with hand as he sits:: Take care of that.....

Captain Huff -> <<always a need for spare organs>>

Sargh -> ::presses the button again:: Blasted thing must be stuck...stupid safety protocols make it stop when there's the slightest obstruction...

STSF_KBear -> ::moves over to the TL and pulls the petag' out allowing the TL to go::

TroNoQ -> We have a mess to clean up now.

Sargh -> ::pries the control panel off the wall and starts hotwiring it, but then sees the indicator light start to move::

STSF_KBear -> ::nods to the Qel:: It is yours.

Sargh -> <<Sorry, I'd just assumed our turbolifts didn't have safety features to stop them from moving when someone is partially in it>>

STSF_KBear -> ::moves aaway to allow him to do his Job::

Sargh -> <<so you can take the two or one piece interpretation of Nodof...I really don't mind either way>>

TroNoQ -> (He still on the MeH then or not?)

STSF_KBear -> <<still on the meH>>

Sargh -> <<I'd meant to cut him in half with the turbolift, but that didn't quite fly...>>

QobEMH -> <yea sorry. we pulled him too fast>

Sargh -> <<I'll get him next time! ;)>>

QobEMH -> <and his little Targ too?>

TroNoQ -> (LOL)

QobEMH -> <<2 minues>>

Sargh -> <<depends on how hungry my hamster is feeling>>

Sargh -> ::arrives on the MeH, sees the PADD that he left on the science station:: Ah, there is...

Sargh -> No brilliant new plans from the crew, I take it?

TroNoQ -> No...

TroNoQ -> Not to my knowledge.

QobEMH -> ::motions towards the body::

STSF_KBear -> None worth speaking of

Sargh -> Just as well...I fear if an alternative to the current plan was found, my superior might back out.

Random Perfect -> <<I have to run some kinda pipe burst in my Oiler room!

Sargh -> <<Uh oh, better take care of that...>>

QobEMH -> <night random>

STSF_KBear -> <<night Random>>

Sargh -> ::looks at TroNoQ:: If she has too many second thoughts, and we have no alternative, I'll simply complete the work?

QobEMH -> <Pause sim. >>

QobEMH -> <Pause sim. >>

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