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Cptn Corizon

The Raidmother

There was a foul stench in the air. Mmm dinner was nearly ready. Wort, Boganary Auntie and Raidmistress sat lounging in an ornate silver chase lounger with black, crushed velvet cushions that seemed oddly out of place in the dusty, wooden surroundings of the room. Skulls and objects from various raids and campaigns lined the room—her trophies.


She wrapped a green hand around a brilliantly engraved mirror and looked at her figure. Light blue eye-shadow and red rouge stroked gently across her face, which was lined with wrinkles and bumps. Her long, thin ears were adorned with gemstone earrings. With her free hand, she took a small brush and patted her face with ornoroot powder for that special glow.


Dinner did smell appetizing. She placed the mirror on the table and leaned back into the chase once more.


“Auntie! Auntie!”


She turned to see the pattering of three small, orcish green Boganary younglings approaching her. She lifted an ear and sat up enough to get a better look at them. Bek, Hork and Nok. Wonderful.


“Yes,” she said in the gravely, harsh voice only a mother can use without sounding overly stern.


“Galik is on his way home! And he has a present for you!”


This came as a pleasant surprise. Not only had the three younglings brought good news, and weren't coming to her because someone had stolen something from them, but her son Galik was returning from a raid-patrol with presents. Perhaps he wasn't a complete failure after all. His fellow broodmates certainly weren't all that promising. Of course, that had been why the three younglings, who currently were playing with a skull or...something, probably had a different father.


“And what is he bringing me?” She asked, as they quickly stopped playing and looked at Wort intently, like three well-behaved, for Boganary, children should.


“Oooooh,” the said almost in unison. “Something good!”


“Well,I assumed that, but what is he bringing Auntie?”


“Something from the Excaelibur!”


Wort looked over them for a few moments. “He stole something from that ship?”


They nodded in unison. “He thought you'd be most excited...”


She took a very deep breath. “That fool... now they'll be looking for him...”


“You're not pleased?”


“Oh,” she said, softening. “Auntie is always pleased when her children and clan bring her presents. She just worries that Galik bit off more than his little, filthy mouth can handle...”


“Should we tell him to send the hoomhan baby back?”


She blinked. Baby? Galik might have just redeemed himself after all. From what she'd heard of these hoomhans and this Excaelibur they were very fond of their people, and she could only image what they'd pay to get one of their off-spring back. Granted, she'd heard a great many things about this ship too... supposedly they were lead by a war-dog, a giant panther, and had... what had her spy called it... a leech? Yes... a leech aboard that worked for the ... she paused... if they were in league with them.


Curses. A thousand thoughts went through her head. Had the Cloud-people became so desperate as to enlist their help?


Her concerns were lost on the younglings who were still looking intently up at their mother. “Mmm no, tell him proceed to the thicket, but bring Hathig and Warthig to me as soon as you find them... we have preparations to be made.”


Dinner would have to wait.

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