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Guest Vulcan3324

"A Little Fury"

"A Little Fury"

Lieutenant j.g. T'Parek

Personal Log

December 18, 2155


T'Parek was seething. Not that you would have been able to tell it by her perpetual exterior of calm and attentiveness, but seething she was.


It wasn't enough that Gardner had barged onto the ship for an impromptu crew evaluation. No, he had to visit the Bridge during an emergency situation and start ranting at those present.


Was he insane? Surely even the most disliked 'brass', as the crew referred to the admiral, were capable of more judgment than that. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed quietly.


She was unendingly grateful for her emotional suppression. If she had lacked the lifelong experience in that area, she was certain that that she would have been of little use at her post, angry as she was.


She turned her attention back to the communications frequencies, waiting for any signal from Commander Cole and Lieutenant Giovanni...



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