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All dreams are not golden...

He had survived the virus that did infact infect a large contingent of the ship,as well

as some of the stations personell,now if only he could get rid of the remanants of the

blasted headache that seemed to be a common side effect of the other personell that

had succumed to it.


He sat in the chair trying to gather his thoughts and memories of the potentially and

possible outcome of the emergency they had all just experienced,had it not been for

the quick thinking and rapid and controlled response to the situation ...he shuddered

to think of the alternate outcome of the plight they had sucessfully handled,this was

due in no small part to the abilities of not only the ships good crew,but working in..

unison with the staff and crew of the station towards a common goal.


Obviously there was work and research to be done,from gathering reports and

observations from a sampling of the crew members that had gone through this sudden

and vicious biological attack there seems to be a common thread...He could be wrong

and way off the beam,however there was just way too much evidence to support and

warrant a full scale investigation ,hell he had experienced many of the same symptoms

and dreams/hallucinations that others had related..he had just put two and two together

and had came up with more than four as the sum.


He paused and took a few asprin,and chased them with a sip of coffee...::log resume recording::...however and whatever the outcome of his research and he

knew he had a duty not only to the ship and crew to pursue this fully...but to the

human as well as other species that were a part of the U F P ,He could only hope

that an answer would reveal what he suspected to be true.and what was in fact

the truth...he dreaded,for if he were correct..there was more to the haunted and

delusionial dreams they as a whole ,overall,had experienced than mereley a side

effect of the infection.


He suspected that the research.and information that was gathered prior to the

almost devistating event...was tied together,tied closer in fact than many would

even possibly think or question..the clues were afterall random,scattered,and not

in the usual venues of research...he needed to and was going to make it a priority

to get with Elaine as soon as possible,and go over the data he had...he began to

imagine the possible ramifacations,as well as the ultimate effect it would have on

literally rewriting history as they had all presumed was fact and not fiction.


He shook his head,regained his composure...::he rose and thought ok,then here

we go....::computer end log::.

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