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Cptn Elias Moore

"The Betazoid Operation"

Sienna stood within the red spotlight at the center of the round chamber, waiting for her questioners to speak. She could not see more than their vague forms, hidden in the shadows at the edge of the otherwise dark chamber, perched atop stands many feet above her. Of course, they could see her quite clearly in the spotlight. She could feel their gazes fixed on her, taking in every nuance of her expression and posture, factoring each into their plans of attack; to the Romulans, everything was strategy.


"What of your envoy's findings?" A voice directly forward from her asked, a commanding tone.


"We are convinced of a military buildup on the part of the Humans, my lord." Sienna responded calmly. Serving in Iyyonu's circle for eighteen years had instilled discipline; she could bear the pressure of this shadowy council's questioning, even when it turned to the inevitable accusatory phase. "The Human Starfleet has increased the pace of its mining operations and is utilizing the resources to expand and arm its fleet. Many key figures within the Coalition, and particularly within the Earth Government, believe conflict to be inevitable."


A voice to her left spoke up. "What plans for their fleet? How much further will its growth continue?"


"Their fleet will expand indefinitely, my lady." The Betazoid responded. "Over a dozen more of the NX class ships are already planned for construction within the Sol system. Furthermore, their engineering division is supervising the development of a new class of starship--a warp-capable heavy battle cruiser, markedly more deadly in combat than the NX. They are receiving advanced weapon designs from the Andorians; these are to be incorporated into the new starship class as well as mobile weapon platforms which are to be deployed throughout their star systems."


A few of the shadowy forms were shifting toward one another in urgent, but hushed conversation. "Have you been able to procure blueprints of this new starship?" A voice spoke from behind her.


"No hard copy has yet been made available to us, my lord." Sienna answered without turning.


"What of the Vulcan fleet?" A new voice asked. "What is the fate of their starships?"


Sienna steeled herself, but kept the action masked. It was time to tell the first lie. "The Vulcan disarmament is a feint aimed at creating the illusion of a peaceful Coalition. They have long suspected that they are under Romulan surveillance. Aided by the Humans, they move their ships to hidden locations; we do not know where. Many of the ships are, indeed, disassembled, but the components are turned over to the Humans, providing them with even more resources for their military buildup. The remaining ships make up a Coalition shadow force, standing by for orders of engagement."


Sienna could sense the feelings of satisfaction, the satisfaction of being proven right. This one was an easy lie, because the groundwork had already been lain. Iyonnu had picked it up from Valdore--the suspicions among the Senate that the Vulcans were only hiding their ships. She could sense that a few were still skeptical, however, so all of her answers from now on would be scrutinized.


"What of the outpost they have placed along our border?"


"The Nequencia outpost, my lord." Sienna stated. "A staging area for their fleet. They consider the outpost's location to be beyond dispute, existing as it does outside your territory."


"They do not define our territory," An amused voice said. "We do."


Sienna did not reply. She had told the second lie. The Admirals, especially Gardner, knew that the Nequencia outpost's placement was dangerously provocative. A dispute is exactly what Gardner was hoping for.


"Nequencia." It was a stately female voice ahead of Sienna. "A defensive outpost? Or are they planning a first strike?"


"There is division among their leaders, my lady." Sienna answered truthfully. "Some are in favor of immediate retaliation for the destruction of their merchant crafts. Others prefer to consider alternatives and wait for you to make the first move. We believe that the majority of their leadership supports first strike, though we are still exploring this. In either case, fleet buildup at the Nequencia outpost will continue."


"Your envoy has done well, Sienna, First Handmaiden and Chalicebearer of the House of Iyyonu," A drawling voice ahead of her said, a voice filled with cold calculation. Silence now pervaded the rest of the chamber, the snatches of hushed conversation suddenly ceased, and Sienna could feel the attentions of everyone in the room focused on this new speaker. "You have earned the trust of the Humans and have gathered valuable information from them. You are all to be commended."


"This pleases us, my lord." Sienna replied.


"But there is much you are not telling us." The voice continued, ignoring her. "The means by which your envoy gathers its intelligence is of relatively little importance as long as it gathers its intelligence efficiently. But concern has arisen regarding reports we have received from other agents we have stationed on Earth."


Sienna again steeled herself for the deception she would now be forced to deliver. Iyyonu had known of the 'other agents,' of the Romulans posing as Vulcans, that were told to keep an eye on them, wary of treachery. It was because of those agents that everything they were doing on Earth had to be done with careful secrecy.


"You were given instructions as to how you could best go about gaining the trust of the Humans." The voice wound on. "While we are certainly willing to allow you to your own devices, as you best see fit to shifting circumstances of the mission, it is noteworthy how far you have taken your attempts to gain their trust."


"I do not know of which attempts you speak, my lord." Sienna lied.


"I speak of the remarkable amount of time that your Matriarch, Iyyonu, has been spending with a certain one of the Starfleet Admirals... James Gardner." There was a growing feeling of suspicion surrounding the owner of this shrewd voice, and the tone of his words was becoming more cutting. "The root of our concern is the appearance that Iyyonu and this Admiral are getting closer than we would prefer. Has she not shared with you her predilection toward this particular official?"


"She has, my lord." Sienna answered. "For it is as much a part of our mission as anything else. Admiral Gardner is more than just a high ranking Starfleet officer. He boasts many political allies that have made him a major power behind both Starfleet *and* the Earth Government, and a major source of information both military and political. By maintaining a close relationship with him, Iyyonu ensures that we will not lose this valuable access to Earth affairs. Her 'predilection,' I assure you, derives only from her desire to accomplish our mission most efficiently." Everything she had said was truthful. It was everything she had not said that entailed the deception.


"Very well." The speaker did not seem convinced. "We have all that we require from you for now. Our agents shall return you to Earth. Inform Iyyonu that her intelligence efforts have pleased us thus far. But inform her also that she had best take great care in her associations with Starfleet's Admirals, for the moment we cease being pleased with her efforts will be the moment that this assembly decides to... terminate the Betazoid operation."


Sienna bowed her head. "My lord." She turned and strode toward the corridor leading back to her ship, satisfied that the Romulans had remained at arm's length for the moment. There were still the suspicious among them of course, but they would not follow up on any of their threats as long as they were continually fed satisfying Coalition intelligence. Time had been bought. That was all Iyyonu had required of Sienna, more time. Keep the Romulans off their backs long enough to pull all the right strings on Earth. With enough time, they would finally achieve their own goal, the ultimate goal--to see their people freed, no matter the cost...

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