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Tuesday 9PM Academy

[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Seiben

[sTSF_Jami] Sim Executive Officer/ Fillin/Keeper of the Keys of Eternity (XO) - STSF Jami

[sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Major Warner Murray

[sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Jase Jellico

[sTSF_Jami] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Ensign Eagle

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Cdt Elgor

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ronin Shephard

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt Spitfire

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Ens Joy 12

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Ganval

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Lt jg TLinna Eagle

[sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] ::tosses the keys to Seiben:::

[sTSF_Seiben] The Commanding Officers of the USS Robert Major have decided to give the crew of the ship a refresher on survival training. As such, the Robert Major is in orbit around the desolate and frozen ice planet Tantan. The objective of the mission is to traverse the planetside and locate a transmitter which when activated, will beam the crew back to the ship.

[sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM........

[sTSF_Seiben] NOTE: The Commanding and Executive Officers (Myself and Jami) will *NOT* be joining the Away Team Members ifor this mission. Contact with the ship will be unavailable for AT members. The CO and XO will be monitoring the team from the bridge of the ship to see how they are doing. The transmitter is located somewhere in the planet in a 50 km radius of the AT members. The transmitter must be found and a red button located on the transmitter must be depressed for the team to transport back to the ship. All AT members must surround the transmitter for allof them to beam back successfully. The mission will be considered sucessful only if all AT members beam back.

[Jase_Jellico] <<This'll be fun>>

[sTSF_Jami] <::madly takes notes::>

[Ronin_Shephard] <<whos on the AT everyone expect you and the XO?>>

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <<We're gonna die. lol >>

[Cdt_Elgor] <CENG>A suggestion how about we split up

[sTSF_Seiben] <exactly>

[Ens_Joy_12] Is there an AT Lead assigned?

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::sniffs the air::

[sTSF_Seiben] <MXO is the lead>

[Ensign_Eagle] <<tan tan sickles>>

[sTSF_Seiben] <no signs are needed>

[sTSF_Seiben] @<CO> ::sits on the bridge:: <XO> I wonder how the AT will fair

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::picks up a handful of snow and takes a lick::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::glances up::: AT? Oh, yes.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::sniffs the air:: Mmm. Smells like snow.

[Cdt_Elgor] <CENG>Of course noone listens to the enginner

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC>:: Stands around waiting for MXO to lead them::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::thinks this planet is just a tad too cold::

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec>+<asec>+ report in please

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::hands XO a cup:: Coffee? It's Columbian.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Pulls out a tricorder, and starts scanning for metals and power sources. ::

[Ganval] @<ASCI> ::his lips turning blue giving him the guile to survive::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :takes a cup::: Thank you, Sir. ::sips::: Very nice.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> ::raises voice to be heard over the wind:: Alright team!

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>suggest we get a fix on the transmitter sir,it's gonna get cold quick

[Cdt_Elgor] <CENG><ASCI2>You know I bet the the CO and XO are drinking cofee right now

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::listening::

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC> ::Starst building a snowman::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><CENG>Probably.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci> <Asci> Ganval? TLinna? Tricorders out. We're hunting tranmitters.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> Somewhere out there is a transmitter to get us back to the ship. We need to find it. It is 50 km in one direction.


[Ganval] @<ASCI>::begins to shiver::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> What that direction is I don't know.

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::cracks open his tricorder his hands sticking to the edges of the metal::

[sTSF_Seiben] @<CO> ::watches the action::

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC>::Tears down the snowman and makes an igloo::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><CSCI>Yes, ma'am. ::pulls out tricorder::

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI>Fffffff fff ffff fifty kilometers?!

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Looks to the MXO to see if he has a plan. ::

[Cdt_Elgor] <CENG><MXO>Sir it might be possible that the tranmitter was damaged by the snow and wind

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> It is -40̊ out here. We need to do this fast. Suggestions and reccomendations?

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::looking at mxo::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::leans back:: Nice. Hot. Warms the heart and soul. :::toasts Seiben with her cup :::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Smiles:: here here

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO> ::From igloo:: Stay warm, don't freeze?

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <XO> Do we know how close we need to get to detect our target?

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO>::sips his coffee::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::scanning for some sign of a transmitter::<MXO>Move quickly?

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CENG> Unlikely. It's specially designed for this sort of thing. Even if it is, we'll deal with that once we find it.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>erect temp shelter until we can get a fix on the transmitter....thereis plenty of snow to do so

[Cdt_Elgor] <<you're enjoying this Seiben>>

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::enjoys the fresh breeze and makes arms like wings to pull himself along::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><ASCI2> Thanks. I'd guessed. ::miles wryly::

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><HOPS> Way ahead of you.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Suggestions? Anyone?

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><mxo> Igloos would probly be our best chance at keeping warm

[Ganval] @<ASCI> ::feels light as air on top of the ice and snow being whipped along by the wind::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Two choices are stay together, or split. If we scatter in each direction, one of us is apt to get lucky.

[Cdt_Elgor] <CENG><MXO>Sir my enginerring tricorder was made for finding things mechanical if I link the other tricorders together I might be able to get a strong reading

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> I would suggest pairs.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><MXO> Commander, I suggest we walk at a steady pace.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSEC> That's not going to do us much good as we are going to be looking for the transmitter.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir i suggest we adjourn to the igloo tac built

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><NOIP> I could shoot myself in teh face with my phaser and no one would notice. I could strip naked and run starkers through the snow, and no one would notice.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CENG> Do it.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><CSCI>But we need to stay relatively close to each other in this climate.

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><mxo> true but until we got any signal we are out here freezing

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> Sweating under these clothes would be very dangerous. We shouldn't run.

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Lieutenant jg TParek

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] ::nods::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci2> I am hoping that between tricorder and com unis,we can home on the party that finds the thing.

[Cdt_Elgor] <CENG><EVRO>People if you have a tricorder bring it to me please

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::magic edits to the planet::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><ASCI> That it would.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><TAC>What?

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] THanks. :)

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci> But I don't think the group can search the whole circle if we stay together.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><ASCI2> Exactly

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::hands her tricorder to Elgor::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir our combined body heat in an igloo would keep us from freezing

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::thinks Jellico's lost it::

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><asec> do you have any ideas sir/

[Cdt_Elgor] <AENG><ASCI2>Thank you ::Begins linking the tricorders together::

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> Perhaps if you get on my shoulders you'll get a better reading from the planet's arc might be inhibiting the signal.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>eng.might be afforded more time to triangulate the target

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::hands over his tricorder::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <hops> But if we all stay in the igloo, we find nothing, we fail.

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>your is a good one

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci2> TLinna. Scan upwind. See if this weather is going to hold, please.

[Cdt_Elgor] <CENG><MXO>Sir I suggest we mix may plan and HOPS plan

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><asec> ok wheres your tricorder? Ill take it to ceng.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CENG> Elaborate.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><CSCI>The CENG took my tricorder, ma'am. He needed it for something.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci> Let's try that shoulder thing.

[Cdt_Elgor] <<got to go ::mutters curses in Klingon>>

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC>:: Makes a snowball, takes out his phaser, chucks the snowball way up in the air, and shoots it, POW!::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><csci>w/all of the tricorders linked.we should,if not does not matter ,inside or out,but we will not freeze while we attempt to find it

[sTSF_Jami] <night, Elgor>

[Cdt_Elgor] <<let's say i die>>

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI>Here climb up ::points to his back, squats::

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>right here::hands over tricorder

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <<give my tricorder back, first! lol Bye, Elgor>>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <Asci1> Give T'Linna your tricorder first.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><TAC> Mr. Jellico, please stop that. We don't want to waste phaser batteries.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Gets ready for the lift. ::

[Jase_Jellico] <<I never knew phaser ran on batteries>>

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO> Sorry sir.

[Ronin_Shephard] <<wait who would even have a phaser?>>

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> Why don't they use the power cells to create a slight forcefield which might keep us warmer from the wind chill? Do I really want to waste all that energy giving her my tricorder?

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <<Power pack, batter. Ssame thing>>

[sTSF_Seiben] <<Never know what's out there :rolleyes: >

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::hands tricorder to <ceng>::

[Jase_Jellico] <<Probably most of us, since we're trying to survive>>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci1> OK... Lift, and do a slow turn.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <<It's the Blarg! B) >>

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::rolls eyes::<ASCI1>Just do it, Ganval.

[Ronin_Shephard] <<i know sec would but who else?>>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci1> Lift first, lecture on following orders next.

[sTSF_Jami] <<let's focus on the mission, please>>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CENG> Anything yet?

[Ronin_Shephard] <<very well>>

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO><MXO> Orders, Sir?

[Ganval] @<ASCI><ASCI> ::reliquishes his tricorder unhappily:: There goes my only chance to keep warm. ::stand up slowly:: <CSCI> ::turning slowly::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CMO> Make sure no one is getting hypothermia or frostbite.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Thanks. ::scans upwind as Joy requested::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Scans for an energy source from slightly greater height. ::

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><asec> ok we need ideas do you have any

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Anything?

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>no sir

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Nothing.

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><asec> ok

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci1> No good. Let me down.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Right. Well, we can't just sit here all day.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Alright team! Listen up!

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Single group or split?

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI>Lets make a sled!

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::listens::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><CSCI>I think the weather may get getting worse, ma'am.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::listens::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir...if you will excuse me,i'll be with tac..in the igloo....before i freeze to death

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec>::listening ::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::listening::

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC>::listening::

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::turns his attention to Murray straining under the weight of his cheif::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> We are heading out. At this point I'm going to just pick a direction and hope we'll be in the vicinity of the transmitter. Any objections.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO>Yes...

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::glares angrily at Jellico::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> I would rather split, cover more territory, increase our chances...

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><TAC> Yes, Mr. Jellico.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><MXO>Splitting up is not a good idea, sir.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO> What if you end up [picking the exact opposite direction? from teh transmitter?

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><mxo> i have an idea sir.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO> We would have to literally cross teh entire planet to get 50 clicks.

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::shouts:: 50 Kilometers!!!???

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir..i may have a viable suggestion

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><MXO>But we shouldn't just pick any random direction either.

[sTSF_Jami] <<HINT: Starfleet is not a democracy.>>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><TAC> We know it's a 50 kilometer radius. If we go fifty kilometers and we don't find it we start going in a circle with a 100 km diameter until we find it.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> Can you see anything up there?

[sTSF_Seiben] <<FYI: ONly in the radius of 50 km.. might not be acyually 50 kms. :) >

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><ASCI2> Unless you have an idea where to go we're going this way.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO> We're already 50 clicks, or less, so let's say we walk 50 clicks away...

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::looks at the snow::

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO> Then we circle in a 100 click radius...

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> OK. You're call. Let's do it.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><MXO>So long as we don't walk into a blizzard.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><MXO> Well be 150 clicks from it at any given point, which means we’ll freeze.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><ASCI> You see, what a waste chaining all those tricorders together we didn't even get a signal.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Alright. We are going to start here and spiral outward. We should be able to pick find the transmitter sooner that way. Let's move out.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Wasn't my idea.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>i agree sir,....we could spread out just enough to stay w/in contact,and do a circular aweep,constantly increasing

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO><MXO> Aye, Sir.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><ASCI> ::grumbles and starts walking:: Well at least one of us will make it.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC><NOIP> Oh, now you metion the spiral thing, well, yeah, that can work.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::begins walking, plotting the course in his tricorder::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <Asci2> T''Linna... see if you can lock into any landmarks, and keep a plot of our location.

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><mxo> i say we all meet in the igloo and a small group goes out in one dirction and comes back and we do it over and over until we find the transmitter

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::reluctantly follows Murray::<CSCI>Yes, ma'am. ::tries to find a landmark or two::

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::thinks:: wow these android legs are colder than the wind! lol

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> ::turns and walks backwards to talk to the team:: I am sending our plotted path to your tricorders.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <Asci1> Ganval, scan for transmitters... power source, refined metal, plastics, anything on that line.

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><MXO>i agree with the CSEC

[Ganval] <<edit>>@<ASCI> ::enjoys the warmth of his chief's legs around his neck::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::looks at her tricorder::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::regains tricorderand begins receiving data from mxo::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSEC> Mr. Shepherd, I want you to bring up the rear. Use your tricorder. If we get too spread out com me and have me stop.

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><mxo> we always use new people in the next group and we are all warm

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> How can I scan I gave up my tricorder?

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci> Ganval, let me down, now.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI>::Drops her off gently::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Hands Ganval her tricorder ::

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec><mxo>very well

[Jase_Jellico] <<Wouldn't SF have provided us with warm enough clothing that we wouldn't freeze to death before either completeing or failing the mission?>>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Steps aside ::

[Ganval] @<ASCI> ::smiles happily:: <CSCI>Thank you chief!

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Joy, I'd like you up here with me.

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::is in the middle of ze pack::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <<They call this survival training for a reason.>>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Aye... :: Moves up ::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><CSEC>With a blizzard moving in? Are you crazy?

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::feels his blood thickening and heart rate slowing::

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec>::brings up the rear::<asec> follow me

[Jase_Jellico] <<Still, as I said, so we don't freeze, that doesn't mean we won't get really bloody cold.>>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> If anyone needs me to stop com me! ::turns back around::

[Ronin_Shephard] @csec>::pulls out his tricorder::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::walking at a deliberate pace and scanning,eating snow on the way to prevent dehydration::

[sTSF_Jami] <<Those of you who are on advanced simulations, please remember that your academy performance is reported to your advanced sim GMs - both positive and negative. Thanks.>>

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> Please consider my suggestion to create a deflector shield so we can walk without wind chill.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Keep an eye out for that transmitter. But then you knew that already.

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::coughs from the cold and looks at everyone to make sure that no one looks frostbitten::

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>got it sir::goes to the CSEC's postion::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::leans back in his Captain's seat:: <XO> Have they moved yet?

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::jerks awake::glances at the screen:::

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC> ::Follows Murray, on the left flank of the group, phaser out.::

[sTSF_Seiben] <<Yeah, you all should be wearing heated winter suits>>

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> Uh...:::rubs her eyes::: Aye, sir. They are moving in . . . a circle.

[Ganval] @<ASCI>::looks down at his tricorder::<CSCI> Chief! I think I'm getting a few metallic blips.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci1> I do not believe we have the parts. If necessary, we might rig the phasers and try for warmpth... but for now we just keep movng.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI>The deflector shield would also trap our body heat.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> Pretty good strategy. ::makes a note:

[sTSF_Seiben] <Co> Heh.. Trying to get lucky, eh? Still, they're nowhere close to the transmitter

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO><AT> Everyone feel o.k.? No numbness in your limbs?

[Ronin_Shephard] <<are there any things that might attack us out on this plant?>>

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> Yes, it is. I'll give them that

[Major_Warner_Murray] <<We'll find out. :lol: >>

[sTSF_Seiben] <<probably>>

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::follows Murray, entering landmarks as they come across them::<CMO>Just fine.....

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::grin:: Well, sir, it's a big planet.

[Ronin_Shephard] <<uh oh>>

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Snickers, sips his coffee::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Excuse me... I'd best check Ganval.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> ::Shows her where the blips are coming from::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <<Never ask if w're in danger....the answer is usually yes. lol >>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Drops back to check Ganval's recorder. ::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir suggest we enlarge our sweep area by a factor of 2

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> ::nods:: Of course.

[sTSF_Jami] <<Ganval, no need to use @. Save your strength :) >

[Ganval] << B) >>

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>hey do you think well freeze here?

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><HOPS> Negative. I don't want us to get too spread out.

[Ganval] @<ASCI><CSCI> Climb up again Ma'am?

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><asec> lets just hope that nothing will attack us during the way

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci> I don't think so. Looks like raw ore. No power source. We've got to keep moving.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>aye sir..::continues moving and scanning::

[Ganval] <ASCI><CSCI> Yes ma'am right behind you.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <Asci> No... The MXO wants me up front.

[Ens_Joy_12] Though if we role play it right we can't use those hings.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Steps a little faster to catch up with the MXO. ::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::wrinkles nose:: Ah crud.

[Ganval] <ASCI>::enjoying the scenery, eyes in pain from the white light of the snow::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir....we could reestablish a new way point at max sweep and therefore overlap...and reduce the chance of missing it.or getting lost from our original bearing

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>should i scan for life forms incase we do get attacked?

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::harboring a mild hatred of snow and ice::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>+<AT>+ If anyone sees anything that might attack them comm sec

[Ganval] <ASCI><ASCI> Would you like a ride for a bird's eye view?

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><asec>yes

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::looks to right and sees their starting point::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>No thanks.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::Seiben:: Should I put their conversations on audio, sir?

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <<Please don't report me to my GM...chat lag>>

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC>::starts scanning for life forms::

[sTSF_Seiben] <co><XO> Yes, please do.

[Jase_Jellico] <TAC> ::Falls down, frozen into a Tacicle:: <<Gtg, and Tacicle was just too good to waste. Bye bye.>>

[sTSF_Jami] <night, Jellico>

[Ganval] <ASCI>::gets a slight leg cramp:: Ahhh! ::grips his leg in anguish::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> What's our status?

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>this would effectively increase our sweep area..and reduce the chance of losing anyone

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Ganval!

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::puts the chatter on audio:::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Yes? ::coughs::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::listens in::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> I think we just lost one to a crease, and another is cramping up.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::leans forward:: Wind seems to be pretty high, Sir.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>You all right? You yelled.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Yeah, the winds on this planet can be brutal.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> ::stops and sighs::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Then there's the Penguonians

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> It's nothing, just a leg cramp. ::bangs his legs together::

[Ensign_Eagle] <<oh no giant penguins>>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::turns to look at the team::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> i suggest we move back or make an igloo and stay there for a while

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Do we try to rescue Jellico, or call the ship?

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <<Uh oh....Seiben just invented the aliens that are going to eat us>>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <<Then we'd better find the transmitter.>>

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::walks briskly::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::pulls up a scan:: Wow. 40 below and gale force winds? Maybe we should have looked before we sent them down, Captain.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>If you say so. ::keeps walking::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::waves hand:: Eh.. they can do it. I have faith in my crew.

[Ronin_Shephard] <<eat us? they better not or ill stun them>>

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> Penguonians. Not a pretty sight.

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::stretching out his calf muscles with each pace::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CMO> Doctor. Status.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::shudders::: I can still hear their call. "Guoooo....guoooo..." Sounded like a funeral dirge when I first heard it.

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::swears under his breath:: lord get me off this god forsaken planet

Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek has left the chat.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO>::nods:: Indeed. They can be mean hombres

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::takes a sip from her fresh cup of coffee:::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::fingers becoming numb......eyes almost frozen shut from the wind and cold::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <<Right...>>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Alright, let's keep moving.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> i think we need a different idea sir.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::puts his feet up::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> You did't bring a thermos full of hot chocolate did you?

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Resumes the pattern. ::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSEC> How can we need a different idea when we've barely started this one?

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Nope. Wish I had. It's COLD.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir did we have a fix on the target ..before we got beamed down??

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Decides not to answer the MXO's question ::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> A fire would be nice. ::vision starts blurring:: Hmmm ::rubs his arms::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><HOPS> No. The idea is that we have to find it.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Let's go.


[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::turns and continues the pattern::

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>contacts!

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>We don't have any wood.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <<Wouldn't science report the contacts?>>

[Ensign_deBain] hello!

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Take my arm, let's walk together.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::grumbles::<mxo> we got life signs on our tricorders

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>aye sir..i understand that ,however if we did we could patch into the gps system on the ship and get a bearing...and we would still accomplish the mission

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Do you have any ideas on how to find this transmitter? Other than the one we're currently implementing.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Okay. ::does so, keeping an eye on her tricorder::<CSCI>Lifesigns!

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::pulls out his tricorder and sees three life signs

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::now picking up lf::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <<Drat... did that last night as well. Sorry!>>

[Ganval] <ASCI1><CENG>What did you do with all those tricorders?


[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> By staying together, we are minimizing the area we can cover. But you already rejected splitting up, for decent reasons.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> we have three lifesigns

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::thought she saw /something/::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <<The CENG left over half an hour ago, Ganval.>>

[Ensign_Eagle] <<uh.......oh...>>

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::sees three specks::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> I know. It's a tradeoff.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> The question is whether we can travel the worst case distance. I fear not.

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC>::sees three specs

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::trips a bit falling to the ground just in time to look up and see the black and white disappear, rubs his eyes:: <ASCI2> Am I seeing things?

[Cdt_Spitfire] *specks

[Ensign_Eagle] <<remember i suggested the overlapping sweep>>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> I was kinda hedging that we'd find it before that.

[sTSF_Seiben] Sound in Wind> Maooo.... Maoooo...

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>+<mxo>+ We have three lifesigns

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::shudders at the sound::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>No, I saw it too. What's that noise?

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> ::turns at the sounds:: I'm not liking that.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::hears something::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2>::Looks up in dread:: Fauna!

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>did you hear that?

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Understood. Yes. Security picked up some life signs a while back.

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Ensign deBain

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::hears a sound..trying to find the direction..in the howling wind::

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::gets to his knees and searches for his phaser::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> would you like for sec to move up sir?

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Do we have any clue as to whether or not their dangerous?

[sTSF_Jami] <more food...lol>

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Oh dear...

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC1>::grabs his phaser

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::gulps::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><asecs> everyone phasers out

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::draws phaser::

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::apprehensive about the black/white specks and the sinister sounds::

[Ensign_Eagle] <<thanks jami>>

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Or something warm to roast?

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::draws his phaser::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Not that I know of. One of my AScis lost his tricorder, so I'm without.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::draws his phaser::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><CSCI> Did we get phasers?

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> I was afraid you were going to say that.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::tracking the lifesigns::

[Ronin_Shephard] <<shouldn't only the mxo and sec have phasers? >>

[sTSF_Jami] <<standard AT procedure is to take phasers>>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci1> I would hope you brought one. Do you need to borrow mine?

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>suggest we tighten up ranks just in case sir

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> ::glances at own tricorder:: I'm having difficulty getting an exact reading.

[sTSF_Seiben] Second Sound> Guru guru

[Ronin_Shephard] <<ok>>

[Ganval] <ASCI1> ::pats his phaser to be sure it's there:: <ASCI2> What are you afraid of? It's probably just some penguins ::laughing::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::gets out her medical tricorder and makes certain that no one is dying from the cold::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::getting a bit nervous, draws her phaser::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> If you'd like...

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::glancing all around::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><HOPS> ::glances back at the group:: No, I think we're good. We've done pretty well at keeping together. Just make sure everyone is with the group.

[Ganval] <ASCI1><CSCI> No thanks chief I found it.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>What kind of penguin says "Maoooooo" and Guru"?

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Do you want me to focus on course, or our lurking life forms?


[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> should sec move up and check it out sir

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci1> Good.

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC1><CSEC>should we move to the MXO's position?

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::careful to keep toward the outside of the away team "clump," so as to offer protection should it be required.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><asci1>yeah......penguins ..big penguins..and they are meat eaters..::smiles and returns to scans::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::looks at the hill and has a sudden urge to find a sled::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Well this isn't exactly Earth, but hey at least their not Polar Bears! ::with a dreadful laugh::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> We might not want to go up and over the hill. Too much energy.

[sTSF_Jami] <WB TParek>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> ::hands over his tricorder:: Here. At the moment, you worry about the critters. We can decide on our track once we're sure we're safe.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Agreed.

[Ganval] <ASCI1><HOPS> Who's the scientist here anyway? ::laughing::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><asecs> move up around the group

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>aye,aye sir

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Now I know why I don't work in the labs while you're in there! You're horrible!::shudders::

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> <CSEC> Aye, Sir.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Accepts tricorder, and tries to determine the size and threat level of the 'critters'. ::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::moves to a position near the mxo::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><CSCI> Chief, let's slide down it!

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC><CSEC>yes sir::move tward the group::


[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci1> Conserve energy. This is not a children's romp.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::stops::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::sighs::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::sees penguins::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><at>stay close and keep in contact

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Aww, aren't they cute.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::looks up at the penguins::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::stops and looks at the penguins

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC1>::start wondering if he should fire?::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::points at the penguins and giggles:: They're sweet!

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Depends on your definition of cute...


[Ganval] <ASCI1>::thinks:: this is the academy isn't it? ::shudders at the thought of reality, starting to get dizzy::

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> (q)... they're better dressed than *we* are...

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> we will protect the group if nessersary i dont like any animal

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CMO> Let's reseverve that judgment until after we're sure they won't eat us.

[Ganval] <ASCI1> Awesome!

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Too big. Too many of them. Lets work around them.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> they may be dangerous

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Right. And we wanted to go around the hill anyway.

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Where's the blinking transmitter?!

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>Those things are huge....

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> Cute things usually don't attack... ::shuts up after thinking of an old Earth flick called 'Galaxy Quest'::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] << lol T'Parek>>

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir.wait a moment they are all lined up sir...as if to be pointing at something...do you think

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> <CSEC> ::nods, agrees:: We can't assume they're identical in behavior to our earth penguins.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Somewhere.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSEC> I understand that. But until we're sure we're just going to keep our distance.

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> Something is wrong with the tricorders. They did not pick up the hill residents, and are giving me no information on the lurkers.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><asec2> move to the group side between the AT and the penguins

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::still listening::

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::starting to feel the effects of the cold gettting dizzier, swaying::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> I'm not liking that. Could it be something in the hills? Interfering with our tricorders?

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::moves between the AT and the penguins::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir i know it sounds crazy....but i think they are pointing the way we need to go

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> <CSEC> Aye. ::moves to do so::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Hmm, they're getting close. I hope they can make it.

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC1><CSEC>what are my orders sir?

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods::: Me, too, Captain. I'd hate that hot meal to go to waste.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><asec> move to the middle of the group

[Ganval] <ASCI1> ::Laughing at Eagle getting very giddy::

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> I don't know. All we can do is continue the pattern, and hope they can pick up energy sources.

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> Of course, it could go to MY waist ::hearty laugh::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods:: Well, all they have to do is cross that hill.

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::chuckles::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> Alright then. <AT> Alright. We're moving out. Keep an eye on our friends but take no action.

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::Starts waving at the penguins:: Hey dudes!

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC1><CSEC>yes sir::move to the middle::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::humming:: I think I can..I think I can...I think I can...

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::watches the penguins and wonders if they are sentient::

[sTSF_Seiben] <CO> COrss the hill and enter a cave at the end. So close, yet so far...

[sTSF_Seiben] Cross*

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <MXO> I'd best check in with my pair.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>What is so funny?

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSCI> ::nods::

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::Sets his phaser to level 12 and starts walking slowly:: Whoa what a trip that was... ::becoming serious::

[sTSF_Seiben] Penguonians> ::follows the AT::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>sir.i know i'm not crazy ......but as you say....

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO><CSCI> Are those avians sentient?

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> :: Falls back with TLinna and Ganal ::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Alright team! Let's keep moving!

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><Asecs> protect the group

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 1> ::waddlewaddlewaddle:::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::walking on::

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::keeps moving::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::moves with <mxo>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <CMO> Doubtful. No tools. I don't detect sophisticated language.

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 2> ::pitpatwaddlepat:::pitpatwaddlepat:::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::sees Joy approach::<CSCI>Ganval is behaving strangely, ma'am.

[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Nothing really I think my suit environment it slowly failing. Probably the first stages of carbonmonoxide poisoning.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>Might wanna talk to Dr. T'Parek then.

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::wrinkles nose again::

[Ganval] << lol @ Jami >>

[Ens_Joy_12] <CSci> <ASci 1, 2 > Are you two OK?

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::watches them follow::

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 1> :::comes up behind JOY, takes bite and spits her out:::yucky metal:::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::gives up and wipes nose on his sleeve::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><CSCI>I'm fine. ::sees a penguin bite Joy::

[Major_Warner_Murray] << lol >>

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::looks at ASCI1:: Are you alright?

[Ganval] <ASCI1><CSCI> Chief my suit's enviros are starting to give up.

[Cdt_Spitfire] <ASEC1><CSEC>should we fire?

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><hops>::thinking to self,wish we had gone the way they were pointing::

[sTSF_Jami] Panguonian 2> :::pitpatwaddlepat:::pitpatwaddlepat:::

[sTSF_Seiben] <2 minutes>

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::doesn't know of the bite::

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::doesn't see the bite::

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::Drops to the ground and fires at Penguonian 1::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec> ::fires next to the penguonian::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> [::didn'tSTSF Jami ] seeYou anything::can

drop out whenever. Thanks for coming.

[Ganval] <ASCI1><CSEC> We're under attack!


[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::notices some movement, turns, sees people kneeling, some firing their phasers, is highly confused now::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSEC> ::hears the phaser fire and turns around:: Chief! I ordered you not to take any action!

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 1> kicks Joy into a cravasse:::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::stops and looks at the penguins approaching::

[Ronin_Shephard] csec> get away

[Ganval] << ROFL >>

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><MXO>I have the transmitter on my tricorder!

[Ganval] <ASCI1> ::fires his phaser again, resetting the power level::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Hold your fire! Do not attack them!

[Ens_Joy_12] :: Waves and fades ::


[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> we should run there attacking us

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><ASCI1> Hold your fire. ::practically screaming::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::gulps:: Those things are big!

[Ganval] <ASCI1><MXO> But sir, they've injured Joy!

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 2> ::feels the warmth of the phaser and decides to cuddle up:::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops><mxo>we need a giant snowball ..bowl em over

[Ganval] << lol >>

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <<::snickers::>>

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><asecs> stop firing

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2><ASCI1>It probably didn't even taste her through the enviro suit.

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><mxo> i think we should run

[Ganval] <ASCI1><MXO> Holding fire sir. ::calming down::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><ASCI> First of all, one normall reports these things.

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::starts to make a giant snow ball::


[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::phaser trained, but holding fire per the MXO's orders::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::screeches:: Let me live!

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 2> GWOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::sees charging penguins and freezes::

[Ganval] <ASCI1><MXO> I reported it to the CSEC!

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::hopes that holding fire is the right thing to do now::

[Ganval] <ASCI1>Holy !!!! Here they come!

[Ronin_Shephard] csec><AT> i say run

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::watching::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO> ::really hopes that they're just coming to warm the team up::

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 2> :::dives at Ronin, cuddling him in a "bear" hug:::: Ah....warm....warm...

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::meeps loudly upon seeing the charging penguonians::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CMO> ::stands perfectly still::

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::hopes they're friendly...::

[Ensign_deBain] <ASEC2> ::blinkblink:: Did he just talk??

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><AT> Hold your position! Do not fire!

[Ronin_Shephard] csec>::uff:: get OFF ME

[Ganval] <ASCI1>::tosses his phaser to the side, hands up::

[Major_Warner_Murray] <MXO><CSEC> Chief. Mellow out at bit.

[Lt._JG_TLinna_Eagle] <ASCI2>::watches the penguin cuddle with Ronin:: How odd.

[sTSF_Jami] Penguonian 2> ::holds him tight, hoping for the phaser warmth again:::

[Ensign_Eagle] <hops>::standing without weapon drawn::


[Ganval] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Where is Joy?!

[sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

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