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Guest Vulcan3324

"Cats and Molecules"

"Cats and Molecules"

Lieutenant j.g. T'Parek

Duty Log

November 30, 2155


T'Parek entered her quarters and looked over at her sleeping feline draped as though melted upon her desk. It wasn't an uncommon sight, yet it was one that one might not expect to see aboard a starship. Illogically enough, you might expect that everything aboard in such a rigorous environment would be more strict; more rigid. Perhaps animals are the exception to every rule. It would be the subject of a fascinating scientific paper, she mused.


It was the second time she'd considered writing a paper that day. After all, it wasn't every day that the very fabric of the space-time continuum was threaten to be torn apart by a molecule that predated most of the elemental matter. Omega Molecule, they called it. Aptly named.


She took a seat in the chair located to the front of the desk and sighed, gently moving T'Prella off of the keypanel. T'Parek raised an eyebrow curiously at the cat's hissing she turned on the recording equipment.


"Computer, access chief communications and operations officer T'Parek's duty log. Begin entry dated November 30, 2155. Attach the same security level lockout that has been used on the logs of the senior officers. A brief summary of the events regarding the destruction of the UES Achilles follows."


"After identifying the Omega molecule as being within the transporter buffer, several of the Challenger personnel attempted to remove this highly volatile and dangerous particle, with rather disastrous results."


"The particle, after, technically speaking, exploded, caused a chain reaction of tears in the fabric of space-time, resulting in different parts of the Achilles being thrown out of synchronization with the remainder of the vessel. To complicate matters, this affected the ship's systems, causing the computer consoles in Engineering to 'lock up'."


"A subspace implosion was required to realign the Quantum particles in this region of space. Thus, it was determined, through use of a gridded map of the area, to select an area of space that was relatively unaffected, and use the implosion to bring the fragments together again."


"The way that this implosion was manufactured was by detonating an explosive within Achilles' warp core. The crews were evacuated to the Challenger using the Achilles' escape pods."


"After setting the timer, Captain Moore and I departed the ship in the remaining escape pod, with no further incident while aboard the Achilles."


"Currently, we are back to working on the Nequencia project, which apparently is still under way. It will be interesting to hear the Vulcan government's views on the recent events, especially considering the curious species we encountered while dealing with the Omega molecule."


"Also of note is the Vulcan that we encountered with the band of pirates. I have little doubt that this is not the end of that obstacle, and I will be interested to witness what else will occur with that group of rogues. I am certain that he is no way connected to the High Command."


"Further information will be recorded at the opportune time. End log."


She saved the recording that she had just made, and accessed the audio recording of the Vulcan when he had threatened the crew. She listened carefully to his intonation; his faint trace of accent. It sounded as if he was from the V'Tran District of Vulcan. V'Tran was located on the side of Vulcan that never faced T'Khut, the giant sisterworld of Vulcan that had graciously accepted the name of Charis as its designation when discussed among humans. It was a community of little note besides the archaeological ruins nearby, so little could be gained from that. But perhaps it could narrow down a list of possible suspects...



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