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Guest Vulcan3324

"Vampyrs, Twins, and Tongue"

"Vampyrs, Twins, and Tongue! Oh My!"

Joint Log - Lieutenant j.g. Laarell Teykier & Ensign James Eagle

November 22, 23--



Eagle walked into the mess hall and noticed Laarell already seated. He walked over and pulled out a chair, nodding. He had been more than a little late and offered his apologies. He waited for an answer, and thinking to self, he hoped his subspace communique was received by his wife. He was concerned about her and the twins, and had lost track of the time.


She smiled. "Not a problem. Please, have a seat!" She messily took another bite of her gagh. "I hope you don't mind that I started without you..."


He smiled and thanked her. He took a seat and looked about for a yeoman to take his order, and watched her eat her gagh. "Hey, have you ever tried an old Terran Indian dish called "buffalo tongue"? Bet you would like it.


She shook her head. "Haven't tried that one, sadly enough." She sighed and looked around the darkened mess hall. "Ship's grapevine says that you have someone special on the Republic."


He looked and nodded. "Yes, I do. As you may have heard, I had been married prior to my assignment to the ship. I miss her badly, and to compound that she is to be the mother of twins..." He drifted off for a moment ... then back. "You would not believe the ribbing on interspecies marriage and having offspring of another race we have put up with...


Laarell nodded. "Nothing new under the sun, there. Hybrids and parents of hybrids always have trouble ... it's nothing to be concerned about." She smiled. "You and your wife will always be among friends in Starfleet ... and I'm certain that your children will have a happy childhood. What's her name? What species is she?"


Eagle looked and smiled. "Her name is T'Linna... My pretty, hot, and tempting Vulcan goddess, as I refer to her. And she is Vulcan...she really is my beautiful Vulcan ... goddess... " He was smiling.


"A Vulcan, eh?" She smirked. "Did you have to fight her Vulcan betrothed? You must be pretty hardy to survive that combat."


"Actually, she had not been bonded, so there was not any betrothed to combat. We met at the academy, and it grew from there. As far as combat fitness goes, I believe I can hold my own." He smiled wryly. "I come from a long line of warriors on both sides of the family."


"Ah ... makes things easier, I would assume, when there's no one to have to fight." She took another bite of gagh, and washed it down with a little bit of Klingon coffee. "She sounds like a charming woman. I'd love to meet her one day. And these twins ... do you know whether or not they're one of each gender ... or both the same?" She smiled, knowing how much he would want to talk about them.


He took a drink of the tea he had grabbed. Looking at her, he shook his head. "That's one of the difficulties I have. Haven't gotten the word yet. I hope for at least one male child, to carry on the traditions of both clans. However I really just hope both are healthy and my love is OK and healthy. And one day I hope you do meet."


Laarell nodded. "And that's what you'll have, I'm certain." She looked over at the replicator. "Want some dessert? I hear the key lime pie isn't bad..."


Eagle returned to the table with a plate of buffalo tongue, and haggis. "No, thank you, think I'll stick with this. Anyway, what's your feedback on this last mission, and what's to come?" He dug into the tongue.


She sighed. "It's definitely been a different one from the norm, and especially from our work on Surmac. Something about those people seemed familiar from something I heard about at the academy, but I can't quite place it. Something about the fangs..."


He looked up. "Well, they reminded me of an old Terran story of the vampyr fables, and they seemed to match the description to a tee... Go figure..." He supplied as he consumed another bite of tongue.


"Vampyr ... vampyr..." She pursed her lips as she sat back and scanned the databanks of her brain. "Yes, I do remember something about that. I'll have to do a bit of research there. On my homeworld, our fables included stories of an evil spirit who lurked about, tearing limbs from disobedient children with fierce fangs. That's what I thought of." She laughed. "Some stereotypes never wear off."


He wiped his mouth. "Exactly. However, there is a legend passed down by my own people that tell of the skin walker, and the manitou that meets the same profile."


Eagle finished his late dinner. "Thanks for the talk. It helped relieve some tension ... hard having a small few to confide in. Thanks again!"


She shrugged. "Must be a common theme among our mythologies." She delicately raised a bite of the light green colored pie to her lips. "This really is good stuff." She took yet another sip of the strong coffee before rising. "Anytime, Ensign."



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