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Nicolas Lepage

Medical Briefing

Before entering sickbay Simon took a moment to collect his thoughts. Besides he also wanted to make sure Jalil was not there anymore. When he entered he called out, "Doctors Pavilion and Vio report to my office." Without waiting for a reply he walked back behind his desk and sat down, waiting for Mimi and Via Vio.


".... no I've only had about three pet targs live with me back when

well..", the young Captain Vio was in session with a crew member counseling him about his fear of warp cores and klingon pets, particually targs in question when she heard heard Simon.


When Mimi and Via Vio entered Simon motioned for them to sit down. "We are facing a serious problem," he said without preamble. " I suppose you know where we're heading and what that planet is known for?"


"What's the serious problem, sir and what planet are we heading for?" replied Dr. Pavilion. "How much will medical be involved? " The blank expression on doctor Vio’s face told Simon that this particular piece of information had not reached her either.


Simon sighed and took a moment to consider his next words. "We’re headed for People's Head. The natives have specialised in a particular trade. Weapons." The two other physicians where looking at Simon not yet sure what he was driving at.


"Federation activities in that sector have led to rumours that they might be interested in obtaining biological weapons." Both women’s faces suddenly revealed an expression of alarm.


Via sighed, "This is just going to ruin my afternoon schedule, I had a tea party all planned out, and now your going to keep me busy with this, its not enough that I'm backed up on crew personal reports." She then started to mumble something under her breath, but then quickly became silent as she noticed the chief's look.


Simon went on. "Doctor Pavilion, I want you to work with the science

department to identify the threat and find an antidote." Mimi nodded.

"Doctor Vio, since the crew will soon learn about the threat I’d like to

have a report about possible effects this situation could have on the crew. I also want you to work on a concept of how we can keep these effects as slight as possible.


"Well.... what kind of biological weapon, without sounding like a computer there's more than a million at least on file you know, ugh, where do you want me to look?" Via complained more as they were only being requested to find a way to save the crew and others, oddly something else seemed on the captain's mind.


"Well...?", said Simon, "Fine." Vio said as her eyes looked the other way. Simon proceeded to tell Via more details.


Via Vio looked at Simon as if she was ready to testify Simon had finally lost his mind. It seemed like today was not his day to make women happy. First there had been Kes, then captain Jalil and now doctor Vio. He decided to prevent this looming conflict from escalating. "If there are no further questions," he paused a second before continuing. "Dismissed." Simon watched both doctors file out of his office. He was glad to have a few moments to himself.

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that was a cool log to write

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