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Cmdr Ayers

XO's Log:  End of the First Day

Nic steps into his quarters and, with a tired sigh, notices that the stuff that he hadn't unpacked earlier hadn't unpacked itself in his absence despite his wish to the contrary.  "Amazing how many things one can accumulate despite only having quarters the size of a fair-sized apartment onboard a Starship," he muses to himself.  


      He brushes a hand through his silver-white hair as he tries to decide if he wants to take the time to put the rest of his belongings away.  The decision is made for him when Diamante bounds in from one of the other rooms and runs up to Nick.  Nick scoops the puppy up, getting a lick to the face for the effort, and pets the squirming dog.  He murmurs "I suppose you're hungry.  Well, let's see what we can find for you and then we'll take a walk to get better acquainted with our new home.  How's that sound?"  Another lick to the face and a yapping bark is the reply Nick gets.  


      As Nick watches Diamante quickly tend to his supper, Nick muses over the day.  As the image of the beetles floats before his mind's eye and what they would have done had they gotten aboard the station he involuntarily shivers.  He murmurs "Amazing how little species learn from their past and how childish of them to seek to repeat old mistakes for the stupidest of reasons."  


      The Klingon liaison in the Cardassian system had vehemently denied any knowledge of the insects when Nick had contacted him about it.  From there it went onto near threats and it was only when confronted with the recorded images of the insects that any headway had been made.  Even without concentrating Nick could tell the Klingon only reacted with anger in an attempt to cover up the lie.  In the end, the liaison had promised that the Klingon government would take care of the problem.  Nick wasn't exactly prepared to trust that promise but as the Captain had also informed Command of what had happened he was also sure the Klingon's wouldn't be able to sweep the incident under the rug.

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