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Guest Vulcan3324

"Catching a Bite"

"Catching a Bite"

Lieutenant j.g. Laarell Teykier

Personal Log

October 30, 23--


Laarell entered the darkened mess hall with a data PADD under one arm, and a mathematical equation running in her head.


Engineering had the Science department running mathematical terms through their computers for the last four hours, and Teykier needed a break from the constant strain of processing thousands of numbers in her head.


Food Replicator Number One was malfunctioning again. She ordered gagh - she received a chocolate sundae. Disgusted, she threw it in the food 'cycler and tried the next. This time, a computer-generated bowl of moving worms filled the dish that she ordered.


Laarell sat at the closest table and reviewed the little information that was available on their upcoming port of call. She awaited meeting the species with a fair amount of anticipation.


She took another juicy bite of the simulated, spineless food, savoring the taste of the worm-blood in her mouth. The Orion had acquired quite a taste for the food of Qo'Nos during her childhood there, and perhaps it added a bit of savagery to Teykier's diet.


All too soon, Laarell was summoned back to the Science Lab, and back to the math equations...

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Great log and excellent writing! I can totally picture everything you described. And coincedentally, we were just joking about programming all the replicators on the Arc to make gagh no matter what people ordered. Laarell should come on over. :P

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