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Bad day, bad day, bad day...

Juhdia looked around Main Engineering. It was a buzz with activity, everyone was running around like ants after the entrance to their habitat had been knocked over. It seemed that the Morningstar had just been attacked. But by whom and more to the fact… Why?


But this was not Juhdia's concern. What was his concern was getting the Morningstar back into to Warp. But he needed to assess the situation.


"Okay, Bad day. Let me see, the Warp field collapsed. It will take us hours to get the Warp Matrix active and stable again. If I can get Zack's people to help, that may cut it down to about an hour and a half. But we will still have to cold reboot the entire Warp Core system."


Juhdia turned to Admiran. He was talking to Commander Kennin. "Sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Admiran, if you can get a cold boot started on the Warp Core, that would help." But he got no response. "Fine, ignore me."


Juhdia then turned his attention to the ships weapon systems and shields. "Ensign Cul-vah, I want the weapons and defense systems back on line in the next twenty minutes." Cul-vah moved on and started working on the Shields. "Good at least someone is listening to me." "Now Cul-vah, I want you to…" Cul-vah walked past Juhdia paying him no mind.


"Great, just great. Bad day, bad day. First we are attacked, then the Warp Core Matrix crashes. Now, no one is even listening to me. Bad day, bad day, bad day."


"Now, where the hell is Cougar. I called him like ten minutes ago." Juhdia scanned Main Engineering, then he saw Cougar bent over a body on the floor, Juhdia could see the blood coming from the head of the man on floor, but could not see his face. "Come on Cougar, leave him for the Med-Techs, no one man is more important than the ship." Cougar did not respond. "Cougar. Cougar are you even listening to me?"


Juhdia watched as Cougar turned over the body of the unconscious man. "Oh bloody Hell" He looked at the man's face. It was his own."


"Bad day, bad day, bad day…"


To Be Continued…

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