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The Speech de'Triomphe

May 18, 2397

Late Afternoon



Destorie N'Dak stood at a podium in front of the Arc de'Triomphe in Paris, France. Before him on an ISD was a speech he thought he'd never give, and if his great grandfather heard it, he would have commissioned his assassination, or just shot him on spot.


The accusations from a panicking Federation could not go unanswered, and with the Praetor out of commission…or rather consciousness, the duty to respond to the accusations fell solely on the ranking Romulan official in the Quadrant—Destorie N'Dak.


Fellow citizens of the Galaxy, allies…friends…


N'Dak's voice carried a tone of softness and tenderness unusual for the normally brash military leader.


Today, we have collectively suffered a great and hideous misfortune of unparalleled significance. However, we must not let this horrific tragedy draw us apart and let it destroy the efforts that so many have worked so hard to secure. We must not let it shatter the peace that so many gave their lives to create.


I come before you today, to offer reassurance of the noble intentions of my great people in our commitment to peace among all of the people of the Galaxy.


The Romulan Empire will not rest until the perpetrators of this vile and insidious assault upon the free people of the galaxy are brought before justice and justice is served. In order to assure this, as of today the Romulan Empire will assume a posture of high alertness; all boarders of the Empire will, in accordance with the Treaty stipulations and internal policy, be placed in a state of high alert.


Additionally, security of all Romulan government facilities will be handed over from civilian authorities to the Galae in order to assure that no further attacks upon the sovereignty of the Empire occur.


It is my duty, as the ranking Romulan official in the Quadrant, to announce that Praetor D' Kheinhv unfortunately suffered considerable injuries in the terrorist attack. In accordance with the New Imperial Code, Section 3 Subsection 6 paragraph 2, it is my solemn duty to announce that until such time as D' Kheinhv can resume his duties as Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire, the Daise'Deihu tr'Klaeneth will be sworn in as interim Praetor in a matter of hours on the home world.


N'Dak paused slightly as he came to the next section of his speech, though he'd committed it to memory, he glanced it over one last time as it would likely raise the most eyebrows.


I am here today with heavy heart. But I am here in friendship. Two hundred and fifty years ago, the idea of an N'Dak standing at the seat of Federation power, to deliver a speech in friendship was unthinkable. In the last decade, together, we have advanced peace and prosperity through out the galaxy to a level thought only to exist in the minds of dreamers.


The terror attack upon the VDC shows that despite our efforts, we still have a long ways to go towards achieving the eventual goal of true peace and freedom for all citizens of the galaxy, whether they are Romulan, Human or Klingon.


But together, the strength of our great and noble people can overcome those who stand in opposition to liberty. Together we can build the lasting vision of peace that the architects of Versailles envisioned.


So now, I must ask you, our allies…our friends…to stand with us through this adversity, this test of our friendship. For I believe that our friendship, like the house built upon the rocks, can stand the test of time.


May the Elements continue to guide us and smile upon us. The entire Romulan Empire and myself extend our deepest sympathies to the victims and the families of victims of the horrendous terrorist attack. And we reiterate that we will not allow this tragedy to go unpunished. Thank you.

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