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Guest Lieutenant_JG_TParek

"Silentia et Tenebros"

"Silentia et Tenebros"

Lieutenant j.g. T'Parek

Personal Log

October 02. 2155


The silence on the Bridge was deafening. The darkness surrounded the bridge crew, broken only by the faint glow of emergency lighting. The air, no longer being recirculated by life support, was starting to become thin. Communications were down.


Obviously, the plasma shield had failed, leaving Challenger in a worse condition than before the engineering team had concocted the harebrained idea of a plasma shield.


For a few seconds, the Vulcan heard the shielding stabilize, and the next moment left the entire ship without power.


She closed her eyes, blocking out the burning, tingling sensation that stemmed from the electrical burn on her right hand. Never the engineering genius, T'Parek had forgotten that an offline console could still pack a nasty punch.


But now, all the crew could do was wait...

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