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Jaylen Falco

One of Those Days

Personal Thoughts:



You ever have one of those days where it seems like everything is going you're way, but then out of no where life seems to deal you a bad hand? Well that seemed to be my day today.


I had just finished downloading the copies of the orbital weapons platforms into the engineering database. Everything was running so smoothly in engineering that I decided to take a break. Grabbing a hot cup of Raktajino, I decided to go check the repairs on the medical database.


When I arrived in the medbay, I spotted the two crewmen, Jamie and Adam, working on a gutted computer console. They were supposedly the best computer specialists on the station, but they had an odd way of working on things.


While I was there though, I had the opportunity to meet our new Chief Medical Officer, Dr. McKinny. It was great to finally meet her. The interesting part was she laughed at my humor. I thought Chief Zhu was the only one who actually laughed at my witty remarks, but it made my day.


Thats about the point when everything started to change. I got a call from Captain Ayers. He assigned me to some away mission. Apparently some statue/ship thing appeared outside the station and decided to play with our computer systems. Our job was to board the object and find out what was going on.


Ok that didn't seem so bad right? I mean everyone wants to get off the station and explore sometimes. It's why most of us signed up with Starfleet. Something went wrong however. Our team had beamed over to the ship, but for some reason the entire security team that was assigned to us didn't make it over during transport. So it was just Commander Quark, Dr. Pavilion, and myself left standing in the middle of the strange object.


Ironically, the first thing that popped into my mind at that moment was: "I wish I was back on the station."

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