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Cdr Rian Kwai

Shoreleave Non-Excitement

Shoreleave Non-Excitement

Cdr Rian Kwai


Humdrum. Lackluster. Unexciting. Monotonous. Dry. The most uneventful shoreleave in Rian's career history. A shoreleave that could almost be considered dull.




She'd hoped for less than her usual hair raising shoreleave activities. So far, she'd been almost drown, fought with a Narsician (not her fault, honest!), blamed for an interstellar terrorism incident (again, not her fault), brought a deadly virus back as souvenir (yeah, that one would be her fault), and put members of the crew in potential mortal danger by getting conned into playing a Wadi game. And these were the events Rian could pull out of her most recent memory. Enough personal adventure to last ten lifetimes, even for a Trill.


After all that, an unexciting shoreleave was most welcome indeed.


Unlike many of her crewmates, Rian left the ship to wander around the New Bajor docking station to prove to herself that she could have a 'normal' R&R trip. A normal, relaxing, boring shoreleave.


She spent some time perusing the station's promenade staring at the windows at the newest fashions. Several shop keepers tried to entice her to come in, to examine their wares more closely. She shook her head no. Although fun to look at, Rian didn't see how practical it would be to purchase anything since she spent 75% of her time in a uniform, and the rest of the time sleeping.


She enjoyed reading the latest data chip titles to educate or entertain humanoids. Rian saw titles such as: Furry Logic: Business Strategies for Dealing with Follicle Challenged Races, Practical Tribble-keeping, Kill It and Grill It Cookbook - A Human's Twist on Klingon Cuisine, and the Secret Lives of Androids. All were titles that brought a small smile to Rian's lips, but provoked no other interest in purchasing the manuscripts.


The only thing she seemed in danger of was purchasing something from the Cinnabon booth in the food court. Sweet, sticky and smelling like cinnamon, it called out to her. No, that's not right. It dragged her halfway across the food court by her nostrils. She couldn't contain the dangerous craving that she recognized from her past. So Rian cave in and bought a cinnamon roll anyway.


Returning to the docking port, munching on her sticky cinnamon roll, Rian marveled at just how quiet her shoreleave adventure had been. She practically skipped her way back to the ship. She took it as proof that, once in a while, the joined gods smiled down to her…….even though it wouldn't last long. Certainly not while she was in the 'Fleet. And certainly not as long as she remained onboard Republic.

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