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STSF Precip




The impact of a piece of discarded T`hiss produced a loud noise causing the small awayteam to duck.


Lt Dole>"Sir, it's getting real ugly over there...the ex-slaves are burning the T`hiss corpses and are torching the T`hiss barracks..They may make a move for these deuterium tanks soon."


"Hija!" Koralev responded. "I assure you I am going as fast as I can in obtaining a sample for the Qob's science staff to analyze. The fact that this stuff came from underground ore is going to perplex them a bit. Let's keep our heads down. I don't think they will harm us..but we do not want them to see us."


"Perhaps I will be venerated as a god for helping liberating them" Lagh Gates pepped up.


"In your dreams..Gates now keep it down.." Dole Commanded.


The away team had been on the surface now for thirty minutes...which had seemed an eternity to the three others watching Koralev do his work. The T`hiss Deuterium Tank was made of an alloy unkown to the Engineering Tricorder he had brought along...so the alloy of the tank first had to be analyized before any extracted of deuterium slush could take place. Upon deciding he could use the extraction tool from his second engineering kit..the process began. And that took another 45 minutes of anxious nerves....for extracting a material kept in a solid/liquid state under the pressure and temperature of the deuterium was extremely hazardous. A mistake would send the Deuterium into a rapid expansion process to it's more common gaseous state, resulting in a rather large...unwanted explosion.


"Alright....Complete..." Koralev hefted the large containment cylinder away from the tank..and replaced it inside his engineering kit. The Tool formed a patch on the tank but Boris was not taking any chances...he didn't have time to see if the Tank patch material designed for the Qob's own tanks would adhere to the T`hiss tanks.


The second Klingon Engineer grabbed the alloy analysis kit...Hailing the Qob at the same time for an immediate beamout. As the away team shimmerred away from behind the large Deuterium tank the cries of the freed Slaves only grew louder as a large explosion tore apart the interrogation building..Sending chards of debris towards the pressurized deuterium tanks....

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