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Tuesday 9.6.2005 9PM


[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= Starfleet Academy Briefing Stardate September 6, 2005=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] In the name of education, the faculty of Starfleet Academy has subjected the crew of USS Goldstein (refit Galaxy Class) to an "emergency" landing on a small barely-habitable planet.

[sTSF_Jami] After investigating a distress signal, the AT finds itself under fire from what appear to be smugglers.

[sTSF_Jami] Furthermore, our food and medical supplies have disappeared from the base camp.

[sTSF_Jami] Wasn't this planet supposed to be uninhabited?

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\= END BRIEF =/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jami

[sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - * LtCdr Andrea Knlwtchr

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Lieutenantjg TParek

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Pyromitsu

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens George Pickett

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - * Ens Rath Tinner

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Ensign T'Linna Eagle

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Cdt Digital Lava

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Cdt Ramdar Goftar

[sTSF_Jami] (We're gonna need a LOT of medical tonight)

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - * Lt jg Wim Murray

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Ensign Kanti


[sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] Questions?

[sTSF_Jami] Pertinent, that is.

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Ens Lepage is ASCI

[sTSF_Jami] Places please....

[Ensign_Kanti] ::scuttles::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] ::skittles::


[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::walks up to T'Linna:: anything needed for now maam

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::in the smugglers' cave and under fire::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Hewwo Sir. How may I help you...

[Ens_Lepage] <<am I under fire,too?>>

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::moving with 2 Namelss Security Guards towards the location of the XO's Team

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] ::with the other Engineer::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::pops out a tricorder and begns scanning some rocks::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><MXO> Well, this is fun.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>Not that I can think of, Ramdar.

[sTSF_Jami] <<Murray, Tinner, and Andrea are in the cave>>

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>::is hiding behind some rocks fires his phaser off blindly in the diraction of the incoming fire::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO1>I'm not sure yet, Lava.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+Tinner, what's going on over there?

[sTSF_Jami] CO> :::taking cover behind an outcropping:::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Okay

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><CMO> okay then I guess I'll make my rounds checking on several of the wounded

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><<All those in the cave, please don an @. Thank you =0] >>

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASEC> How're you holding up?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] did u put one of the things up where it tells us what were simming?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>Good idea.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::begins walking around with a medi tricorder::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>+CSEC+sir we are pinned down in acave near the camp under heavey fire

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+Nameless Security Guard at base camp+Continue to guard base camp I'm on my way to the away team.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::Crouched, trying to get a glimplse of whose surrounding us::

[sTSF_Jami] CO> +CSec+ Chief, can you get your men to pick out those snipers?

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+Hang on my team will be there in a few mins.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Wait for me. Ill help you out.

[sTSF_Jami] CO> :::cranes her neck, phaser drawn, trying to stay low:::

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::with the rest of the crew scanning the surroundings::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+Yes, we will be in position in a few moments.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>;;fires over the top of the rocks::<CSCI>just dandy you?

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><ASEC> WelI...I gotta pee and these guys are _not_ helping.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO> thats fine

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Report, Cadet.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS+ AT is under fire. All personnel to assist these coordinates :::sends coords:::

[[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>::chuckles::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Motions to his team to spread out:: On my signal open fire on the snipers ::NSG's ::Nod::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::scanning a wounded officer with a medical tricorder::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>OK, lets keep our heads, folks..

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2>So you dont need help?

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> all is fine sir

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Mine's not going anywhere.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO> no I am welcoming it

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Pyromitsu, we need to get to the coordinates provided.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><AT>anyone got a spare phaser?

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><CMO> does that mean us doctor

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> ::smiles:: Okay thanks. ::walks up to Gophie::

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> yes sir

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>picking anything useful?

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO/ASEC> Oh...wow!

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::looks up at the CO's comm and hope that the Dice Of Fate will be with him again this time::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2> Yes, Cadet, it means us. <AMOs> Let's go!

[sTSF_Jami] Snipers> :::continue to fire, making is impossible for the AT to budge:::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG's>+ Open fire take out their snipers :: Fires at the nearest sniper to him striking the sniper in the back::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Yes sir

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::follows T'Linna::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::dodges as a phaser round hits the cave entrance, creating a cloud of debris::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::follows behing Ramdar::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::draws phaser and heads toward the specified coords::

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> i have the coordinates sir

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::catches up with the medical guys walking in the direction of the coordinates and drwaing his phaser::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +CSEC+ Direct cadets at your will, Chief. Take whoever you need, but we might need to have the doctors alive.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::grabs a phaser and some med packs::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<Wow, we need the docs alive...lol>>

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO/ASEC> ::lying on the floor scoops up some little stones and stuff:: These are some awesome crystals.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::takes a few medi packs:: Here I'll take em Ramdar.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<I am soo glad>>

[Ens_Lepage] <<good idea jami...docs might come in handy...but we don't need the rest>>

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>thanks Dig

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::slumps down behind the rocks, thinking what the heck did SFHQ think the cadets were going to learn in this lesson:::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+We are taking out their snipers now sir. I will take who I need sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <lol - not exactly what I meant, but ok>>

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> No problem. ::takes med kits::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<lol Jami. That's a good one>>

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO1> I should stay with you in case I need help. ::grins::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::scans a rock formation noting the unique crystalline structure::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Let's get to help the Away Team. ::grabs a phaser:: Get yourself a phaser, Kid.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASC12> ::smiles:: Okay

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><ASCI>good the more the merrier

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::flattens as another barrage flies overhead::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>Glad you've joined our team.

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Ens Eagle = ASEC

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::gets frustrated, peaks over the cave entrance walls::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>Can you see anything?

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG>::grabs a phaser and follows T'Parek::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC><XO>sir i might be able to take out some of those snipers or at least buy us to breathing space but i need your phaser

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +MXO+ Number One, what's your situation?

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::looking around. lost::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<color change>>

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO> I'm always ready for some action.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CSCI>+ and +<CENG>+ Have and Assistants you can spare meet me at the following location ::Sends data to the department chiefs.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::approaching the cave cautiously::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Dirt, dirt, and more dirt. Also some rocks and the occasional phased energy weapons projectiles. But if you mean anything else...no.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::finishes his scan and grabs a phaser and a science kit and rushes to catch up::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI2> Im sure you are ::cough::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::being just as cautious as T'Linna::

[Ens_Lepage] <<not dirt murray...it's mineral rich soil!!!!>>

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::sees TLinna:::shouts:: DOCTOR...stay low.

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ Understood. ::nods at Pyromitsu:: Let's go.

[sTSF_Jami] <<Let's keep the OOC comments to a minimum, please>>

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::looking around carefully::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires over the rocks blindly::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><CO>You got it! ::gets down::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMOs><ASCI2>Get down!

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+::Considers responding, "In deep..trouble, Sir":: We are barrackaded, Sir..

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG's>+ Keep up your fire we have to keep them busy until we have a large enough force to advance

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::begins to belly walk::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>You dont have a phaser?

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::gets down::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO>::hits the ground:: Ummf

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::catches up with the the rest of the group and kneels behind the rocks with them::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +MXO+ Anyone injured?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> What are doing?

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::w/phaser joins group::

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> ::follows wondering what im gettine my self into::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>i need a extra so we can overload it and use it as a grenade

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>you know the snake walk keeps me lowest to the ground

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> I'm hunky dory.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Yes, but you look funny

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::trying very hard not to laugh at ramdar::

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> <CMO> Great and what do we do now?

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>I am not worried about looks I am worried about staying alive

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>were at your disposal at this point

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>We save everyone else.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Good point, but dont you wanna die looking good?

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>I dont want to die at all

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::hopes Andrea can reply::: +XO+ Number One, come in.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Another good point

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Dodges fire:: +<CSCI>+ +<CENG>+ I need anyone you can spare armed and here now, please.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::really getting worried:::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AT>Stay down as we approach the cave...I don't want anyone getting shot.

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> Oh great plan why didn't I think about it? Seriously, how do we proceed from here?

[Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>::setting extra to overload ..as a grenade::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::starts back up like a Chucky Cheese attraction::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ Let's get there! ::starts running::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>maybe we can modify one of our phasers to generate a force field, it might help

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+We are in trouble, Captain..

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::rolls eyes at Lepage::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI>+CSEC+ ::being fired at on the insode of the cave:: Um, I'm a little occupied right now. Ask me later.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +XO+ Injuries?

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+I cant get a bearing on the others..

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> So are we going to stay here all day?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI1>Do it.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>aye

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG>::runs after::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::glances back and forth, looking for an opening in the action:::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><XO>sir i recommend we fall back farther into the cave untill relived

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::See's the CENG and AENG coming::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::makes a mad dash to another group of rocks:::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO> ::looks back at Dig:: what are you doing way back there come on keep moving

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::looks around at the others::+CO+None, yet, Sir.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::looks out from behind the rocks::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+ I will be advancing soon.

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> Suppose the best plan is to stay alive.

[sTSF_Jami] <<Those inside the cave use @ please>>

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> ::hurries up to Ram:: Sorry I saw a little bug

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::whew:::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>That would be a good idea.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Passes out the @'s to SEC's and SCI's =0]>>

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::starts to modify a phaser to generate a forcefield::<CMO> these phasers cant take much, I can give us a level 2 forcefield, should absorb 5 or 6 shots, its the best I can do... ::im a scientist not a miracle worker::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Yet. ::rolls eyes:: There's optimism.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>It will have to work.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>::shrug:: Well..as soon as a cadet sticks out his neck...

[Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>+<csec>+phaser set for ovrld sir......may buy you some time

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <<slaps @ on to his for head>>

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>ok on your mark then

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI> Better than nothing. Good work.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::mad dash to another group of rocks, trying to see the attackers:::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>thanks

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ALLin cave>Maybe we can create a distraction..

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::watching the action:: <ASCI>NOW, Mr. Kanti!

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires over the rock randomly::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::takes a hit in the arm::: Uh....::drops behind the rocks, holding her arm:::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Turns to the <CENG>:: Chief you and your man stay close to me as we advance the <NSG's> will give us cover.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::activates the phaser and places on the ground in between them and dashes off behind it::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> Alright. But I am _not_ doing my Can-Can routine.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS+ They're using LIVE ammo. WATCH IT!

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2>::forgets about staying safe and runs to Jami::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG> ::nods::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Oh no...

[Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>::tosses ovrld phaser at direction of snipers::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><TEAM>Let's go! And be careful!

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Stop...wait

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::grins::<CsCI>Well, what fun is that?

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::follows TLinna::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>RAMDAR!

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2>::runs after Kanti and stays low::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> I haven't got my dress down here or anything.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::leaning back against a rock:::sees Goftar:::checks her arm:::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2>::kneels down and pulls out a tricorder::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::runs after Kanti::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Ok

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG's>+Covering fire. ::Turns to the <CENG>and<AENG>Advance and fire, stay low behind the dunes.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><AMO>Medkit!

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::runs to Ramdar carefully:: <AMO2> What are crazy...

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::hands Ram a med kit:: Here...

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Goftar> Keep low. I think it's just a scratch.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <NSG's>:: Fire covering fire.::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::reaches the rocks on the other side of the forcefield, somewhat closer::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><CO>oh please dont play it down you are allowed a little pain lol

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::dives behind the rocks after Kanti::

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> ::firing blindly:: anyone know whats shooting at us yet?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> You almost done Ramdar?

[Ens.George_Pickett] <NSG> ::Takes out a sniper::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2>::begins using a dermal regenerator::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC><XO>ma'am i advise we fall back into the cave

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::waits for the rest of her team::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Goftar> :::wince::: THanks. Just don't you take a hit.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>ok, im now without phaser... I've got a science kit though, whats the plan?

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASCE>::fires over the rocks::

[Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>+<csec>+phaser should detonate shortly sir

[sTSF_Jami] ACTION: Eagle takes a hit.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><CO>alright I'll try my best :D

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::tries to assess the situation:: <CMO> ::looks at Kanti:: Exactly what I was wondering::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Takes our a sniper:: as his team advance's::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>Uh...plan? I'm a doctor, not a tactician!

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::fumbles through the science kit and pulls out the tricorder::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>Good idea..however, now your out a phaser..

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ Lock and load, Cadet.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +XO+ Number one, somehow I don't think this is a lesson. I think these guys are for real.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+understood, we are 100m out and are starting to take out their snipers.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires again and clips one of the snipers in the shoulder::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>well, based on uh... these readings, I count us outnumbered

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><CO>okay your fine now you can get back to battle Captain :D

[Cdt_DigitalLava] @<AMO> ::begins rearranging med packs::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><TEAM>Suggestions?

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <<i am?>>

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CO+Agreed, Captain.

[Ensign_Eagle] @<asec><co>it was an extra i picked up sir

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> ::motions to a near rock formation:: I think if we make it over there we could get involved in the action and relieve the others.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><AMO>okay lest move to eagle

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::dryly:: Oh, well. It wasn't important.

[sTSF_Jami] SNIPER> :::fires more volleys after gettign hit:::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<Im the XO, Eagle..and you're shot>>

[Cdt_DigitalLava] @<AMO><AMO2> Yes

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><CENG>You guys stick with me we will try to get around the left flank.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] @<AMO2><ASEC> where are you htit?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<GAH! the screen went blank...missed all suggestions made...please repeat>>

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <<LAVA and GOFTAR, please NIX the @'s =0]>>

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>think we can make a holo image with this kit to distract them? ::holds up science kit::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<I thought Jami said to>>

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::ducks down::

[sTSF_Jami] ACTION: Kanti and TParek take minor hits.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <<huh>>

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><<Just for us cave dwellers.=0]>>

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<Ram, you are not in cave>>

[sTSF_Jami] <<only those in the cave use @>>

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <<oh okay then>>

[Ensign_Eagle] @<asec>::grimicing with pain at wound::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::stumbles over taking a hit on the shoulder::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> So how should we patch Eagle up?

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::kneels down to Eagle::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>that med kit sure looks good...

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::See's the CENG take out a sniper:: Nice shot chief

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>Kanti!

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><AMO>okay hand me some packs and go help Kanti

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>Let me see..

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI> ::turns around:: Are you alright? ::kneels down beside Kanti::


[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Okay ::grabs a few packs:: Here.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::moves over to Kanti with medkit::<ASCI>Where were you hit?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Need any help with Kanit?

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>the left shoulder... its not too bad i dont think

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::suddenly goes quiet::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::whispering:: Anyone have a white flag?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::opening medkit::<AMO>I can handle him. check for other wounded.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::hears the silence:::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO/ASEC> ::whispers:: It's quiet.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>::fires over the rocks and after no return fires sticks his head up over the rocks::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Yes sir.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::finds the wound and applies a dermal regenerator::

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><xo>it's ok sir.....had worse.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Looks around but doesn't see any more smugglers:: +<Co>+ Sir the smugglers seem to have vanished I'm moving in with my team to check on the away team.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><<lol Tinner>>

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::turns a bit, looking for snipers:::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::whispering:: I've got a white hanky.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +CSEC+ Roger that. Watch for an ambush.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::notes the silence...::<ASCI>All right, hold on.

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> :: turns to make sure nothing is coming from the rear::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CO>::says loudly, finally:: Captain?

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><CENG>you and the AENG please watch this flank I'm heading in to the cave.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::scanning Kanti's left shoulder::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::walks towards Lepage:: Need any medical attention?

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::leaning against a rock::<CMO>heh thanks

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC><AT>::in redneck voice::thay all gone and disaperaed

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<lol Lava>>

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shouts:: <XO> Here!

[Ensign_Kanti] << lol >>

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO> No thanks I'm fine. I need an idea.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<ASEC>+I'll be there soon anyone injured?

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><ASEC>hmmm your going to need a patch on that when we get back

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::pops head up, like in cartoons::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CO>::loudly, smirks at ASEC:: I thin k they gave up

[sTSF_Jami] <<Once again, please nix the OOC comments unless absolutely necessary>>

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI2> Heh, okay.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::smiles::<ASCI>No problem.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::glances around the cave wall::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::smirks:: Forcible surrender, huh?

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>Scan the area.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>us blueshirts arent cut ou for all this combat... i miss the lab...

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>From right here*

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::looking at xo::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::rolls over and onto back, pulling out tircorder and scanning::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASECEagle>Hang on..

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> I think everyones fine sir.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::trying to locate the bullet in Kanti's shoulder::<ASCI>I know what you mean. I miss my sickbay.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] @<ASEC>+CSEC+eagle got cliped but thats about it

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>That's good to hear.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::listens::: <XO> Stay there until CSEC gives us the all clear.

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> All I see are ours, sir.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::crawls back to CMO:: <CMO> I think thats everyone

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CO>Im not leaving this cave...Sir..

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Yes, hopefully no one else will be injured

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI/CMO> Well we can certainly help. We do need a good plan with these snipers around we are at a disatvantage. We ought try and coordinate with the others.

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>::shoots::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO2>Good

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::nods at CSCI::

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><xo>aye sir..

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::nods at Lepage::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<XO>+Looks all clear sir, I have a perimeter set-up but they seem to have just vanished.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><AMO2> Heres an extra med pack Ramdar ::hand med pack to him::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><ASCI2>yea, if we could only get around to the other side

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::relieved:: +CSEC+What, with no forward address?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::checks the awesome job Goftar did::: +CSEC+ No sign of them?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::peeks out:::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::finds the bullet and removes it carefully with a forceps::<ASCI>Not much longer now.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::steps out cautiously::

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><ASCI/CMO/AMO>::looks at lava:: Is the Captain badly hurt? Maybe we could pull off siomething with them.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::winces::<CMO>I would hope not

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI>+CO+ Not unless their emitting the biosigns of rocks.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CO>+ None sir, I don't know where they might have gone. I have a perimeter around the cave though.

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <<*they're>>

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::whips out a hypo and injects it into Kanti's neck::<ASCI>that shouls help with the pain

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI2> Umm..

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI2>Ask ramdar.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::peaks around, sees the CO and team peaking::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] *should

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::stands cautiously::: +CSEC+ No sign of them over here, either.

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::gets up on knees and kneels, looking out::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves into the cave to check on Eagle:: <ASEC>Are you hurt bad Eagle?

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><AMO2> How's the captain? Is she able to fight?

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><ASCI2> she is fine just a flesh wound shes okay

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> +ALL HANDS+ Rendezvous back at base camp. Use all caution. Repeat. Use all caution.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::goes to Kanti::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::trys to move his arm and it seems ok::<CMO>thanks for the patch up, we should keep moving in case they come back

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>+CMO+Doctor, I need your assistance, please.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>+CO+Understood.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> So he's doing better now sir?

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<CENG>+I'll meet you two back at camp cheif nice job.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::brushes her uniform off, forgetting her injury:::winces:::

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> <CMO> She can't be serious. The others will never make it out of there!!!!

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>dont know sir...cant feel anything right now

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>+XO+On my way.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> I can stay here with him if you need to go about doing other stuff.

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::stands and cautiously moves toward cave exit::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>Lava, take care of Kanti.


[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Aye aye sir :lol:

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::finds, picks up a spent shell::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>I'm coming too

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Escorts the away team back to camp::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::wakes out of the cave with phaser in hand::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::begins to head back to base::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::grabs the science kit and stands up::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG>+AENG+ ::at Camp:: You ok, there?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::closes kit::<ASCI>NO. Stay with the others. Go back to base.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> You better not...

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::looks at the shell:: Oh, my goodness!

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CSCI>Here you go. Keepsake: ::gives the shell to CSCI::

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::stands and follows team::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::heads off for the XO's position::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::watches all around as she goes back to camp:::

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG><CENG> just alittle rattled much different out here in the feild

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>I'll be fine, I won't do any fighting... promise

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> You need to rest a little before you do /anything/

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CMO> ::shouts after T'linna! You'll need someone to cover you!!!

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::runs to catch up with TLinna, pulling out a tricorder scanning on all bands::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Stop!

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1>and <ASEC2> You both did a good job.

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI><XO> ::takes and turns over in hand:: This is a 50 caliber. The rifle weighs about 50 pounds. The bullets are huge.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::hearing Nick's panic::: I think they're gone.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::looks at eagles wound::<ASEC>whoa you got lucky there had it been a disrupter it would have taken your arm off

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>::shouting:: c'mon or youll miss the train

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::using tricorder to track Andrea to find her faster::<ASCI2>I'm fine, Nick. But you can come if you'd like.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::hears Dig and looks at here as if saying shhhhh::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::nodding::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASCI>I SAID BACK TO CAMP! GO!

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::runs behind Kanti::

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG> True... but I am glad that you are ok.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1><CSEC>thank you sir

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::cringes at all the shouting::

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><asec1>::nods::+ i;ll be ok

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> You have to stay put!

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2><CO> They'll be dead before they even get there! ::curses loudly and runs off after t'linna::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG>+Set up a perimeter around base camp.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::creeps up behind Andrea::<XO>You called?

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::stops::<AMO>ok you win

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::exits cave and shields eyes at the light::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CMO>::turns:: I did, indeed.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Dont try anything fancy

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>::points to Eagle::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>back to camp then?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Yes

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::pockets the tricorder::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><CSEC>sir i don't get why did they run?

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>lead on

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir shall i escort the cmo back ...i'm ok

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Look here...::pulls out phaser::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::gets to the shell and runs a quick scan over all as they enter::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::looks over::<XO>I see. ::walks over to Eagle and cracks open the medkit.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::enters the camp looking for Andrea:::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><ASEC>Not yet. Just hang on..

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> So stay still- rest. Then you can run off later.

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::catches up with T'linna::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] @<CSCI> ::begins walking back to base camp::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1>I don't know tinner maybe they detected the rest of us closing in but I just don't know.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASEC>Hush. ::pulls out tricorder::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO><CMO>Ok for now? We need to move.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::doesnt have a phaser so hides behind Lava:: what is it?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Nothing ::smiles::

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><cmo>aye

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::also looking around, doing a nose count:::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>dont scare me like that

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Sit down okay?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO>::starts scanning::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] @<CMO><XO>He can travel.


[Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::looking at phaser w/good arm::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] @<XO>:::looking around::<CMO>Good. Lets beat feet for camp

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::sees Jami and heads over::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::sits down against a rock and is magically at base camp::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::suddenly standing in camp::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Having returned to Base Camp scans the horizons for anything.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Good. Now stay still....

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI> ::in the camp with the others::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> Thanks for the rescue, Captain.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::sitting on a bench outside the pods:::sees Murray:::

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC><CSEC>sir what if they straff the camp with their shuttle or what ever they came in

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO> ::looks around::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::looks around:: Uh oh..

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::magically appears at Base camp::Whoa, how'd I get here?

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec>::at base camp +<cmo>+thanks doc good job

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks up:: No rescue. They just . . . disappeared.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Sir...any ideas?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Number One. Problem?

[Cdt._Pyromitsu] <AENG> ::looks around nervously phaser still held tightly::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><ASEC>But I didn't do anything.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>No ideas. I'm lost.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Yeah, I left my chiclets in the cave.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> So am I

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC1>We will have to keep a tight perimeter and let us hope they do not.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>why are there flying pink bunnies?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <<lol Andrea>>

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Come here.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shakes her head::: Right. Take an inventory. See who and what we're missing, if anything.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::walks up to jami holding up a device:: <CO>sorry sir I insist on a getting rid of that bruise

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> Still, you were going to rescue us...weren't you? ::glimmer in eye::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>::nods::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::walks over::<AMO>yea?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::waves Goftar off::: I'm ok. We need to reconnoiter.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::gives Kanti a arm for support:: Dont die

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1><CSEC>aye sir but don't have the fire power to bring down a shuttle

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::snickers::

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Moves over to the CO::

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::sits down and sighs::

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2><CO>sir it will take only a minute please I hate leaving marks?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Murray> I don't know how. Type twos against phaser rifles and whatever else?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::looks around:: Now what?

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::hopes that Lava doesnt lead him off a cliff::

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir shall i put together a recon team

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> I'm sure you would've come up with something.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>Take a looksee here and make sure everything is safe..

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>::Turning back as he walks away:: That's why I hope they don't attack that way.

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI> ::wanders off::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> ::senses Kanti's nerves:: <ASCI> Heh.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CSCI>Chief. Make sure our supplies are still intact..

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><XO>Yes sir!

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::walks away saddened that he cant finish is job::

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><XO> Aye, sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> Tell you what - when you have an idea about who that was and why in the name of SFHQ they put us into this mess, let me know.


[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCI> ::sees ASCI:: Kanti!

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir may permisson to speak freely

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CMO>Well, Im sure the Captain and Eagle could still use your expertise..

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::coughs::<CSCI>hello sir

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><CO> Sounds good, sir.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] <AMO2>::looks at his hand wondering what he was holding:: must be the heat

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC>walks toward the mess hall tent for a snack::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::notices the blood traces on COs uniform::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Dont cough, hehe

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><XO>Everything appears safe sir. ::Recieves the message that the camp has been stripped::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::checking for med supplies...and finding nothing::<Xo>My expertise is worth little with no medical equipment.

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCI> How's it going? Would you give me a hand with camp inventory, please.

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CSCI>need any assistance, this medical officer insists I rest but I say I'm fine

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::watching Andrea eye her wound::: Just a scratch, Number One.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Uh huh..

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CSCI>ok ::follows the Murray::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CMO>Eh?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><XO>Everything's gone. There's nothing left.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> I have to take care of you Kanti, you cant get a bullet removes then go off like nothing happend.

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC>+<NSG commander>+I thought I told you to keep a good guard on the camp, what happened to our supplies? ::With anger in his voice::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::;stands for a stretch::then realizes what T'Linna said::: No medical equipment?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><CO>None, sir.

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>Voonderbah.

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec><csec>sir..

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>it was a flesh wound, just a scratch ::runs off::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::choice expletive:::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><XO>Voonderbah, sir?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> KANTI!

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC2>Yes Eagle?

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><AMO> Surely an inventory can't be that strenuous.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::walks into the tent and sees no food any where runs around the counter and there isn't even any emergancy rations::NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>mm hmm..<CO>Permission to throw a hissy fit, Sir?

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> Odd... I can't believe that they were using live ammo.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Oh not again ::sighs::

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::hears Lava shouting::<ASCI>KANTI GET BACK HERE!

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>::sighs, looking around the camp::

[Ensign_Eagle] <asec2><csec>sir the raiders tactics remind me of the ones used by my ancestors on terra

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> SAve it for the Commandant's office when we get back to the Academy and lodge a formal complaint.

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2> ::hears tinner shout and runs into the tent thinking something terrible must have happened to him::

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO><CO>Agreed.

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><CMO> Sir Im sorry, maybe we should just let him run off.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::mubbaling to himself::its not fair i get shot at and i don't even get food

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO>::wanted to see the hissy fit::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CMO>uhm... its just an inventory.. can I PLEASE go

[LtCdrAndreaKnlwtchr] <XO>Lets everyone keep our wits. If I have to then so do you all.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] <CMO><AMO>Let him go.<ASCI>Go.

[Ens_Lepage] <ASCI2>ASEC1> What's up?

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Good riddance

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><AMO>blah to you

[Ens.George_Pickett] <CSEC><ASEC2>Yes it does, divide and conquer.

[sTSF_Jami] <<kanti ,keep it under control, please>>

[Lt._(j.g.)_Wim_Murray] <CSCI><ASCI> Forget it. I'll take care of it. I don't want you under any unnecessary stress. Stay with the docs. ::smiles and walks off::

[Cdt_DigitalLava] <AMO><ASCI> Shudda left the bullet in.

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] <ASEC1>::falls down and curls up in a ball mubaling about food::

[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI><CSCI>what are we taking inventory of? I don't see anything sir, respectfully

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] <CENG><AENG> ::pulls a NutiBar out of her pocket:: Do you need half of this?


[Ensign_Kanti] <ASCI>::slumps::

[sTSF_Jami] OOPS.

[sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] One more time...recap.

[sTSF_Jami] We were attacked by smugglers.

[sTSF_Jami] Some have MINOR injuries.

[sTSF_Jami] They stole our food and medicine.

[sTSF_Jami] We're back at camp.

[sTSF_Jami] The smugglers must have detected Charlie coming in, so they left.

[sTSF_Jami] Charlie now has us surrounded, and I guess they think WE are the smugglers.

[sTSF_Jami] Now...

[sTSF_Jami] Questions, comments. Use ? for question, ! for comment.


[sTSF_Jami] Lepage.

[Ens_Lepage] Thanks jami...you know we were talking bout this action statement thing...

[sTSF_Jami] Right..

[sTSF_Jami] Lepage has the floor, please. Protocol.

[Ens_Lepage] so when there's an action statement like the smugglers are gone

[Ens_Lepage] it would still have to be communicated to those who cannot be aware of it in character

[Ens_Lepage] I mean I was ouside the cave how would I know the team wasn't under fire anymore

[sTSF_Jami] Good question.

[sTSF_Jami] Let me run the action statement again, so I can refresh my memory.


[sTSF_Jami] Ah. Good point, Lepage.

[Ens_Lepage] that was in the cave

[sTSF_Jami] They seem to disappear.

[sTSF_Jami] The smugglers were outside the cave.

[sTSF_Jami] I should have been more specific.

[Ens_Lepage] how come the team inside the cave was under fire then?

[sTSF_Jami] The AT was pinned down inside the cave.

[sTSF_Jami] From outside.

[Ens_Lepage] now I get it

[Ens_Rath_Tinner] they where fireing in the entrance

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] ?

[Ens_Lepage] thanks jami

[sTSF_Jami] Sure enough.

[sTSF_Jami] Please feel free to leave if you have to.

[sTSF_Jami] Goftar, question?

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] yes

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] okay

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] now I was told that the away team was in the cave

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] were you part of the away team

[sTSF_Jami] I was not.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] oh

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] i see

[Ens.George_Pickett] ::has question after ram waiting turn::

[sTSF_Jami] Andrea, Tinner, and Murray were AT.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] cause I was wondering if when I was told to take off my @ that I wasnt really in the cave

[sTSF_Jami] The only ones who were in the cave were those three. Everyone else was supposedly trying to get to the AT, but were unsuccessful because of the snipers.

[sTSF_Jami] Pickett?

[Ens.George_Pickett] If SEC has a very limited team and needs more personel is their an easier way then making up Nameless Security Guys?

[sTSF_Jami] Well, as soon as I realized we were going to need more fighters, I gave you the rest except for the docs.

[Ens.George_Pickett] I wondered if that was your reason.

[sTSF_Jami] Actually, if there are no other security, you can always ask the CO if you can commandeer some.

[Ens.George_Pickett] Very good, Thank you for a great sim.

[sTSF_Jami] Most welcome. Glad you enjoyed it.

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] ?

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] How long has the crew of the Goldstein been on this planet?

[sTSF_Jami] This will be the fourth week. Had enough of this place? lol

[Ensign_TLinna_Eagle] Ouch...long time...Thanks. and Yes! It's trying to kill us! lol

[sTSF_Jami] I hear ya, T' . I think it won't be much longer.


[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] !

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] !

[sTSF_Jami] TParek?

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] I just wanted to mention that cadets should get used to being in one place for a long time,

[sTSF_Jami] Good point.

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] because in the Advanced simulations, you can spend up to four months in one place. ;)

[sTSF_Jami] This is true.

[sTSF_Jami] Ramdar?

[Lieutenant_j.g._T_Parek] And you don't want to tell your CO an XO... "I'm tired of this place!!!"

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] just a comment on post ignoring

[sTSF_Jami] Okie...

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] If I am wrong you can totally disreguard it

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] but I have run into it several times when people totally ignore what I am posting

[sTSF_Jami] Typing in the chat room, you mean, or posting on the message boards?

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] for example tonight I was working on eagle but then a little later someone was called to work on him though I was already finished

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] I was going towards the fact that I saw him get shot

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] seeing that I was helping Jami I thought I would be able to see eagle

[sTSF_Jami] Goftar, sounds more like a misunderstanding to me.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] thats what I thought as well however I kept going and still

[sTSF_Jami] Sometimes when the action is fast and so much is going on, people get mixed up a bit.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] okay then

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] just commenting

[sTSF_Jami] Valid comment.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] thank you

[sTSF_Jami] Tell you what.

[sTSF_Jami] I'll take a look at the log, and you can when I post it.

[sTSF_Jami] You can see if folks were really ignoring you or just really busy or confused.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] ah I see thank you

[sTSF_Jami] I would put my money more on the busy and confused part.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] okay then

[sTSF_Jami] Sure enough, Ramdar.

[cdt._Ramdar_Goftar] thank you for listening

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