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Sergio Giovanni



Log entry 29: 03 September, 2155


Why me? Sergio thought to himself as he sat and stewed in the shuttlepod. The traitorous Ensign Connor and his assistant Ens. Vank, were headed to the crippled Defiant for damage control. He kept a close on eye on Ens. Connor. Sergio didn't trust him one bit.


The evidence and charged against Connor were both very serious; Entering a classified location without authorisation, fighting, possession of that hacking device, breaking into said classified location, insubordination, conduct uncoming... and that's just the beginning. Under Starfleet's new S8-A5 General Security Order, Ensign Connor could very much spend the rest of his life, or a fair chunk of it behind bars.


Or, if he's lucky, simply get off with a court-martial. Sergio didn't know enough about Andorians to tell if he was guilty or not, but something about the way he looked and talked during his interrogation, gave him the feeling that he wasn't entirely truthful of what he said.


The same went for that Bolian he'd interrogated earlier. Sergio mentally kicked himself that he managed to get away, even if there wasn't anything he could've done about it. To make matters worse, the shuttle pod was headed to fix the damage to the Defiant they caused, when someone hacked into their weapons and opened fire on them and blew off their nacelle.


Sergio wasn't sure who did that, and again... the evidence points to Connor and Ens. Lazurus. Connor, who left his room without permission was spotted in Engineering, tapping on a console. Sergio made sure to note this when he took a PADD out from his pocket and began writing:


To: Capt. Elias Moore, CO Challenger NX-05, Cdr Amanda Cole XO Challenger NX-05

From: Lt. Sergio Giovanni, Chief Security Challenger NX-05

SUBJ: Implimentation of General Order S8-A5.

Date: 03 Sept, 2155 - 23:00


1. Based on the circumstancial evidence and charges, outlaid below, against Ensign Stephen Zarious Connor, I am forced to implement General Order S8-A5 on this individual.




Fighting a fellow crewmember

Breaking and Entering into a Restricted Area

Possession of an anti-Security hacking device


Conduct Unbecoming an Officer

Unauthorised Departure whist Detained

Unauthorised use of Starfleet Property (Two counts)


Possible Charges:


Lying under Oath during interrogation

Tampering with Starfleet Equipment

Highjacking of Challenger's weapon systems

Attacking a United Earth starship (Three Counts)




One (1) hacking device used to open a restricted part of Engineering

Surveliance and Witness to claims that said individual created this device

Surveliance and witnesses of Ensign Connor in altercation with fellow crew

Surveliance of Ens. Connor in Engineering without permission at time of attack on Defiant and other ships.





CAM-MENG1 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

CAM-MENG2.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

CAM-MENG 3.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

>REM: Altercation Ens. Connor/Ens. Lazarus Montague


CAM-MENG6.REC 23:37:40 08/14/2155 ZULU

CAM-MENG7.REC 23:37:40 08/14/2155 ZULU


>REM: Ens. Connor breaking into Restricted Area of Engineering with Bolian Mr. Nagen


CAM-MENG4.REC 23:20-23:45 08/28/2005 ZULU

CAM-MENG5.REC 23:20-23:45 08/28/2005 ZULU


>REM: Ens. Connor (with Ens. Montague) using Engineering Console without permission, in Engineering without permission.



CAM-BRIG1.REC 08/21/2005

>REM: Interrogation of Ens. Connor


WEAPONS.LOG 23:30-23:45 08/28/2005 ZULU





- Detention of indidual

- Placement in solitary confinement (brig)

- Search of individual's quarters

- Immediate termination of Connor's personal and authorisation codes from Challenger Main Computer.

- Notification to Starfleet Intellegence

- Relief of Duty and Rank

- Decryption of Connor's logs for period 08/01/2155- Present.




- Download of Connor's logs to Main Security Computer and my personal PADD, backed up log on Challgner Main Computer (Location classified)

- Under Protective watch by myself and Ensign Vank

- Issued warrant to Search Connor's quarters (Status: Awaiting Authorisation)

- IP Trace of Connor's future use of Challenger's computer, and Communications, detailing his actions, time and duration of use.


2. Based on evidence and charges outlaid below, I am forced to implement General Order S8-A5 on Ensign Lazarus Montague, I am forced to imlement General Order S8-A5 on this individual.




Fighting with a fellow officer

Conduct Unbecoming

Aiding and Abbetting Ens. Connor

Tampering of Starfleet properity (i.e. deactivation of bridge Command Acess control to weapons)


Possible Charges:


Highjacking of Challenger's weapon systems

Attacking a United Earth starship (Three Counts)





Surveliance and witnesses of Ensign Connor in altercation with Ens. Lazarus Montague

Weapons Log during time of attack on Defiant and other ships.



CAM-MENG1 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

CAM-MENG2.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

CAM-MENG 3.REC 23:30-0:00 08/07/2155 ZULU

>REM: Altercation Ens. Connor/Ens. Lazarus





Interrogation of individual

Placement in Solitary Confinement

Acess to his quarters and logs

Relief of Duty




None yet.




Sergio could do nothing but sigh at his predicament. This sure was some first assignment as Chief of Security. Times like this, made him wish he'd stay in Science where his only worries were catalouging starcharts or new flora and fauna of a new planet.


But as Sergio sent the message to Moore and Cole, he was determined to utilise any resource he could to land Connor and Lazaurus in the brig and eventually a seat on a transport back to Earth for trial. As much as Sergio hated S8-A5, Starfleet had a valid reason to implement it.


Darned if he would let some newbie wet behind the ears ensigns screw around with the Challenger and endanger the ship and her crew. Orders were orders and Sergio was compelled to do his job. It's not like he has a choice, either. This wasn't really what Sergio was hoping for as his first assignment as CSEC. Nonetheless, he maintained his gruff exterior determined to do his job by the book.

Edited by Sergio Giovanni

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