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Benjamin Robair

Robair Log: Homeward Bound

Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Robair

Chief Security Officer / Second Officer

USS Agincourt | NCC-81762


Stardate 0508.30






The orders were clear. As unexpected as it could be, the Agincourt crew was returning home. Robair was already finding it odd that the USS Agincourt - a Federation warship - was to be a centerpiece at a celebration of peace. Perhaps it should be viewed as an honor, but Robair viewed it as time that could be better spent protecting this quadrant of space.


However, if anything at all, it would allow Robair some free time to see his family - to see Sarah. They had been friends for years. There was never anything officially between them, and they had never officially been anything other than good friends. (Too much time in Starfleet has obviously made Robair use the word "official" too much.) But, she was the one he really wanted to see when he returned to Earth... outside of his family, of course. There were no siblings, but he did have cousins, aunts, uncles... parents. Oh, how he couldn't wait to see his parents. They hadn't spoken in several months. To be honest, now that Benji thought back, he felt bad about this. The last communication he had sent them was that he was being promoted and transferred to the USS Agincourt. He hadn't even let them know that he was settled in and doing fine. But, he was already preparing a list in his mind of everyone he wanted to be sure and see - obviously, visits to Earth were very infrequent for crew of a warship.


He thought of how he had met Sarah. It was many years before, during the summer. She was going to be a doctor, he was going into Starfleet. But, they had met in a summer course. Put simply, it was fate; they didn't have any of the same classes. It just so happened that they were placed at the same facility, and just so happened to have sit by one another at lunch one day. Conversation had taken place (sadly, Benji couldn't remember what it was about), but they had quickly become friends. She was one of those dependable people who didn't talk bad about anybody or anything. Put simply, she had no flaws. She was perfect. And they were still only friends? He supposed that was just how it was all suppose to happen. She had been there for him more than once, and meetings with each other once or twice a year or so proved to be a wonderful time. Sure, these meetings would mostly be for a couple of hours - grabbing some lunch and taking a walk through the park - but they were something Benji looked forward to for months in advance. He only hoped that Sarah looked forward to them as much as he did. They were each too busy in real life to meet more often, but Benji supposed that was a good thing; it kept things distant, yet special. He often wondered if he was in love or not. He eventually decided he wasn't, but was never able to completely prove it to himself.


But, Sarah wasn't the only person Benji was looking forward to see. Besides family, there were the fellow tennis players from his years before the Academy - many of which he still stays in contact with quite often. And those special teachers from the Academy... oh, there were several he adored, both for their help and for their teaching style. Professor Meredith and Professor Franklin to name a few. But, there were others... there were very few that Benji would make special preparations to avoid.


Above all, he would go take a look back in his hometown. Louisville had surely changed over the years; Benji hadn't actually been there in many years. His family had moved to California when Benji was accepted into the Academy, and he hadn't been back since. There were many sights there he wanted to be sure and see, as well as hoping he would run into old friends that he had long since forgotten, and catch up on everything that had happened over the years.


There were only a few things left for Security to do before the Agincourt made it back to Earth. Inventory had to be taken, and new inventory had to be taken aboard before the Agincourt left Earth again.


Oh! Must stop now... Benji wasn't even back at Earth yet, and he was already going over preparations for leaving. This was one of the worse duties of being in his position - he had to be prepared many weeks in advance, and throw in the unexpected when he had time for it. It wasn't the best style, but it did work.


For now, Benji considered what to do first. There was only one thing he could think of: send some messages to tell Earth he was coming back for a few days, and make sure lunch was scheduled with Sarah.

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