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DJ McKinny

From The Very First Day - Part 2

And then came the bombshell.........


DJ knew who Captain Ayers and Commander Hawke were. She'd perused through the medical files for all the senior staff while in route to Aegis. Their telepathic and empathic abilities were duly noted. The fact they possessed such capabilities didn't surprise her. There were many telepaths and empaths in Starfleet, especially among those of Betezed origin.


Most of the telepaths and empaths DJ had dealt with in the past were professionally trained counselors or psychiatrists. They used the utmost restraint when utilizing their gifts. Such was not the case with Ethan Hawke and that took DJ by surprise.


After considering the facts for a few moments, DJ found herself annoyed that she'd been surprised by the Commander's unexpected question. Hawke was the Chief Executive Officer, not a counselor or healer. Her responsibilities on the station went far beyond the emotional and mental welfare of her subordinates. Her concerns lay elsewhere. It stood to reason she would use her telepathic abilities a bit more quickly. DJ should have known that and been better prepared. She quietly promised herself that she wouldn't make the same mistake twice.


The second surprise was one she couldn't have prepared for. Captain Nicholas Ayers was Fiona's "Nick."


DJ stepped inside her quarters. As the door closed behind her, she leaned against it and closed her eyes. Never, in a million years, had she expected to meet this particular man. Her thoughts raced back to happier times....the Cairo....her husband and her friends....Fiona....the stunningly beautiful woman with long, dark hair and deep brown eyes...their long chats between patients in Sickbay....many of them about "Nick."


It was bad enough that Commander Hawke's question had reopened old wounds. But to find out that Fiona's "Nick" was her new CO.....DJ had very nearly suffered a heart attack.


Captain Ayers maintained the utmost control while discussing Fiona. His tone of voice never wavered and his facial expressions remained passive. As the conversation continued, she did notice a hint of sadness in his intense, gold hued eyes. DJ was willing to bet there was a lot more of it hidden deep inside her new commanding officer. But however badly he felt over Fiona's death, the Captain's grief couldn't touch her own. And that was not a road she cared to travel right now.


DJ quickly opened her eyes as Gilbert waddled over. The short legged Basset Hound was only eight months old but already full grown. He sat down, looked up at DJ and woofed a couple of times, his tail wagging vigorously.


She couldn't help but smile at the long eared, saggy cheeked face staring up her, genuine affection glowing in his chestnut brown eyes. She stooped down and wrapped her arms around him retreating only when his "kisses" threatened to permanently starch her uniform collar to her neck.


"There's a dog walk somewhere around here," she said as she stood up, glancing around the room. "I saw it on one of the station's directories."


The room was cluttered with unpacked luggage and shipping crates. Fortunately, she quickly spotted Gilbert's leash on the desk. The young ensign who had greeted them upon their arrival must have left it there when he escorted Gilbert to their new quarters. She was grateful he put it someplace where she could easily locate it. Finding anything else in the room was going to be a chore.


DJ walked across the room and retrieved the leash, her thoughts drifting back to the day's events. Not only was she still reeling from the revelation that her CO was also Fiona's "Nick," there was another complication she was going to have to deal with. Much to her chagrin, it involved none other than Captain Ayers and one of her staff, a doctor by the name of Victor Images.


She had just been introduced to her three primary physicians when the Captain asked to speak privately with Dr. Images. DJ had no idea what they were talking but they were in the CMO's office for quite a while. They continued their discussion even after stepping back into Sickbay and that's when DJ realized there was a problem. Their tone of voice, their words, their body language all indicated a confrontation was taking place. If the Captain had planned on settling it with a private chat, it was obvious to DJ he hadn't succeeded. Something was going on between those two and it wasn't good. Dr. Images was her responsibility so that meant she would have to get involved....and that wasn't good either.


Gilbert forced her to change gears. He now stood at her feet, licking her legs. He knew that would get her attention. She looked down at him, the leash dangling from her hand. "Okay," she said quickly and bent over to attach the leash to his collar. Grateful for the distraction, she followed her anxious canine to the door. "Let's go. You're not the only one who needs a walk."

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