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9/29/96 Meanwhile on the pt1

Subject: 9/29/96 Meanwhile on the pt1

Date: Thu, Oct 17, 1996 9:29 PM

From: LCdrBlurox



A joint Log by Blu and the Captain.




They had just entered the planet's atmosphere.  The planet was log London, full of boggy weather and clouds.  The place that Adam had told her that one could find out anything in the universe was in New London.  The settlement was a replication of the late 1800's to early 1900's in London on Earth.  The proprietor of the place was a a Vorgons who had a personality flaw.  He had a fascination with Jack the Ripper.


The landing of the Taliesin is something of another story.  Soon they had landed outside of New London in a secured place.  Due to the nature of the planet and the types of clients that visited, no tracking of the ships was noticed. What you didn't know about your neighbor was a kind of priviledge to the travelers who visited.


Jael went into to a changing area of the Taliesin and changed into a dress made out of black velvet with a low neck that was fashionable for a Victorian style opera singer. She had piled her hair back in a careful soft bun and drapped a cap around her shoulders.  a small bag hung from her waist that contianed her communicator and a small phaser.  She had tucked two small knives in hidden places.  One was in her high top boot and the other in a small sheath under the lace and velvet sleeve.  She also took

a smooth bloodstone out of the pouch and held it up to the light.  She examined it a minute.


Arching her eyebrows in a quizzical look and a wry smile on her face,  Blu stood up from her work on the imaging systems.  "Must have a higher class of pirates here-abouts, than I've ever run into"::smiling at Jael.  Blu reached up, scratching a spot behind her ear, then pointing a claw at the stone the Captain was handling, "What's that for?"


"It is my pass into the pub."


"Pass eh?" ::smirking the Caitian walked over to take a closer look at it.:: "You mean a bribe I take it?  Where'd you find that little bobble?"


"My brother has a habit of collecting favors that he banks for a later time.   Don't ask how he earned it.  I learned long ago not to ask."


Blu lays back her ears, the smile leaving her face, and hisses a response:: "Earned it!!  Fffaahh!!!  More than likely stole it, if he's anything like the pirates I know. ::Blu takes on a look of concern::"Captain, are you sure it's safe enough to go in there, uhm, looking the way you do?  I barely survived my last endevours with pirates." ::remembering her encounters with both Torrar and Erinna's father, her fur standing slightly on end ::"Let's just say, it wasn't pleasant.  Look, why don't you let one

of us go instead?  Better yet..both of them" ::pointing to Darr and Archer::: "since I'm still working on this."


"I guess I am just like my brother, I do use the favors to the Federation advantage when I have little options to chose from."  Jael states and ignores the part about having someone going with her.


"There are always other options, one just need know where to look for them" said Blu, crossing her arms stubbornly, trying not to seem too obvious in her attempt to block the Captain's passage out of the yacht before she would listen to reason. Pointing back to the panel she had been working on:: "Don't worry Captain, I think that from some data I have in the computer from one of our earlier missions, that I have the perfect ship design to hide us in.  It would certainly not be out of place in a location

such as this."  Blu looked over her shoulder to see if she were keeping the Captains attention.  "Perhaps if you let Darr and Archer go to this bar, you could help guide me on this equipment.  It's the first time I've actually worked with something like this."

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