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Laehval tTemarr

The Romulan Intrigue

For the Romulan-challenged, I've included word translations at the bottom.




On the bridge of the RES Night-terror, Sidari i-Ra'tleihfi ch'Tal sank into the captain’s seat. Camelot Station filled the main viewer as the helmsman moved them in close enough to dock. In her absence, ch’Tal’s first officer, tr’Nlaen had been given permission to dock with the station and was now seated beside her, overseeing the procedure.


“Did au visit the lloann'na prisoners, Lhhei?”


“Ie.” ch’Tal tapped in a quick sequence on her side console, bringing up ship reports.


“And how did au find them?”


“Weak, like every other lloann’na prisoner we’ve transported. I can na help but find them amusing, however. They attempt to stifle their emotions in order to make themselves appear unafraid, but they are na adept at controlling them.”


“It will be amusing to watch them break.”


ch’Tal sighed. “Na amusing. They break too easily… too quickly. Very delicate. Au must remember that the next time au interrogate io. That does na matter in this case, however. I expect that when we reach ch’Rihan, they will be tried and executed within a matter of days.”


“Hardly seems worth the effort.”


“Destroying lloann’na spies is worth any effort.”


Throwing her first officer a pointed look, she finally glanced back to the main viewer. The bridge grew quiet as the station loomed before them. ch’Tal’s gaze frequently shifted to the distance readings, checking the ship’s status as they crept forward. The Night-terror halted without even the slightest jolt, sliding to dock with the station.


“We’ve docked, Lhhei.” The helmsman turned in his chair to give her the official word.


“Nicely done, Arrain. Continue with the remaining procedures and inform me when the station is ready to load our supplies.”


The chiming of an incoming message caught her attention and she turned her head to peer at the Operations officer, waiting. “From Galae Command?”


“Na, Enarrain. From the Tal Shiar, coded to au.”


One eyebrow arching in mild surprise, ch’Tal rose from her seat. “Put it thorough to my Chambers. Au have the Oira, tr’Nlaen.”


Once inside her ready room, she took a seat at her desk and activated her terminal. The black screen came to life, showing a revolving t’liss – the Bird of Prey symbol of the Romulan Empire. The actual connection came a few moments later after her console decoded the signal with classified authorization codes. A Romulan male appeared on screen, his uniform displaying the ranking of a Tal Shiar General. ch’Tal offered a slight nod.


“Daise'Erei'Riov ch'Tal. Aur mission went well?”


“Ie, Rekkhai. We have the spies locked in the br'tehh and have already extracted the requested samples from them.”


“From all of them?”


“Ie. We extracted blood, cells, and brain patterns from the two males while they were unconscious. The maenak had just finished with the female.”


“And the clone?”


“Still with them. I do na believe they realize that he is io. From what I gathered, they simply think that we extracted cells from him at some earlier point in time and used those cells to clone him.”


“Then I can truthfully say that our first test subjects have preformed admirably. It is a pity that the lloann’na officers happened upon the other experiments. We shall have to destroy them and begin replicating subjects from the new material au have gained.”


“May I inquire about the Alliance?”


“Stable, for now. As long as we provide them with what they need, the rogue Founders will continue to favor us.”


“That is good news.” ch’Tal nodded absently. “We have arrived at Camelot Station and will be receiving our supplies shortly. If everything goes well, we should arrive earlier than previously scheduled.”


“Ssuaj-ha. Au have done well, Daise'Erei'Riov. If au make it back to ch’Rihan with those prisoners intact, au will receive the promised promotion and a place within the ranks of the Tal Shiar.” The male studied her for a long moment, seeming to be weighing something. “I have one more mission for au while au are at Camelot Station.”


She blinked at him, waiting for the details.


“There is a Rihan Ambassador currently aboard Camelot Station. We have been following her movements for a short time, but have been unable to discover where her loyalties truly lie. Should she attempt to interfere with aur primary mission, make sure she does na succeed. By whatever means necessary. If au are discovered, however, au will be on aur own. I do na believe I need to explain myself.”


“Na, Rekkhai. It will be as au ask.”


Still seated, ch’Tal gave him a deeper nod of respect. When she looked up, the General had already terminated the connection. Not the least bit surprised, she activated her terminal to access the station records and discover for herself the identity of the meddlesome Rihan Ambassador that she might have to kill.





*Arrain - Romulan rank, equivalent to Starfleet Lieutenant

*Au - You

*Daise'Erei'Riov - Romulan rank, equivalent to Starfleet Commander

*Rekkhai - Sir

*Br'tehh - Brig

*Maenak - Doctor

*Ssuaj-ha - Understood

*Enarrain - Captain

*Ie - Yes

*Io - One

*Lhhei - Ma’am

*Lloann'na - Federation

*Na - No

*Oira - Bridge

Edited by Laehval tTemarr

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