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"Home Coming For New Things"

“Home Coming For New Things”

Engineering Log

Ensign Jerry Graham






“Welcome Home Challengers.”

That’s what I heard when I was in the Shuttle Pod, heading back for Challenger. I was quite excited to be coming back, although I really had no idea of how long I was going to be there. The Pod docked with StarFleets second pride and Joy. The first being ENTERPRISE NX-01. I once had an oppurtunity to talk Enterprises Chief Engineer, Charles Tucker III. He was quite the Engineer, he was very nice. We talked about the warp Reactor, and other Engineering things. He knew some things that they didn’t teach at the academy.

I exited the Pod and headed for my quarters. The cooridors seemed to be brand new, it was almost like I had gotten on to the wrong ship. But when I got to my room I realized that I was on the right ship. On my desk was a pad that read:


Change of Command Staff:

Challenger Commanding Officer: Captain Elias Moore

Challenger First Officer: Commander Amanda Cole

An officers meeting shall be today at 0900 hours. All Senior and Junior officers Must attend.

Our New Mission is Classified so don’t ask. A meeting with the new first officer at this meeting. After which time Junior officers shall report back to their posts.

Engineering Staff:

All Junior officer Engineers shall prime up the engine and prepare Challenger for departure.


Commanding Officer

Captain Elias Moore

Challenger NX-05



I set the pad down and headed for Engineering. So their not sacking us. I thought as I entered to the lift to go to Engineering. When I entered Engineering I saw that Will had a very nervous face, I looked around and noticed why. The dock repair crew were finishing up with our reactor. Will has never liked anyone but himself and his assistants working on ‘his’ engine.

Connor, Lazarus, Will, and myself all got into a heated discussion about who the new first officer could be. Her name seemed very familiar, it was almost like I read it some where. But I let the thought pass, when Will said that we needed to head to the meeeting.

We all walked to the meeting, I couldn’t help but notice that Connor didn’t look his normal cheerful self, he had as look of gloom. I asked how he was but he just brushed me off.

All the Engineers sat together, when we were greeted by our new Captain Elias Moore. Then our new First Officer introduced herself, she served on Enterprise as a Maco. A MACO? I was enraged, well we’re never going to have a good time with her around now. Once she gets into Engineering and sees how easy going we are, we’re going to get the lecture of our lives, and never again speak again. A Maco, what was Starfleet playing at?

The Junior Officers were dismissed. Connor, Lazarus, and myself headed back to Engineering. When we got there we decided to get Challenger ready to take off. I went to the reactor, and turned everything on, everything was in working order. In fact it was in better working order than ever before. I even noticed that there were some new buttons that I had never noticed before, I guess I’ll learn what they do, it was almost like it was a whole new engine.

Walker called in asking for the readiness of the Warp Engines. I told him that we were ready to go. We went into a talk about what happened the first time that we fired up the engines, about the bomb, the suliban, and everything else that had happened.

Then I decided to call to Will because we were about to take off. He was on his way. When he entered, I wanted to know where we headed. He told that I would find out when we got there. We talked about the new engine, and then we slipped into warp.



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