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Fear Factor

Crouched down, next to Lt. Baund. Feeling angry at the moment and confused. Trying to revive him. Looking towards Brian now, about to say something snide perhaps. Something about what an ingenious idea it was to come this close to the base. Then, watching Brian struggle and fall. Blink, pupils dilate. Heart beats so loudly you can hear it in your ear. Quick look towards Zack, only to see him fall to the ground as well. For a moment the fear that you have been bottling deep inside your gut tries to surface and threatens to make you vomit.


Time speeds up to normal and it is time for you to make a decision. Finally you decide to slowly stand up with your hands in the air where they can see them. Your head swims and for a moment you wonder if you too have been knocked unconscious. Then you make eye contact with one of the Romulans who seems pleased that you have chosen not to struggle. No, you are conscious. You have the feeling of being totally overwhelmed, of not understanding what is going on, of gripping fear.


But how long will you be left conscious? One of the Romulans roughly removes your phaser, as though you might actually try to use it. You are pushed to wherever they plan on holding you and a million thoughts rush through your head. What will happen to the others? What will happen to you? What on earth is going on at this base? At the same time, you feel like you are experiencing it all from outside of your body. As if you are just a quiet observer. Quiet and helpless.

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