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Cptn Elias Moore

Letter from M'nerrva

To: Commodore Fitzgerald Moose, Crew of NX-05 Challenger

Cc: UEG/Coalition Headquarters, Geneva; Starfleet Command, San Francisco

Re: Caitian Alliance - May 10, 2155


Good Commodore Moose, I am happy to inform you that I have recovered full from the wounds I suffered in the Dogmans attack. The city of N'Goras is being rebuilt and my people are tending to their own wounds, both in body and spirit. It will take time, but my people have been through much and have known to be strong when times are bad. Just like good Humans, yes?


You brought back to us our stolen people, and with that your wonderful crew passed the Third Trial of the Bast, the ancient empire that brought Caitians here long long ago and taught us great values that were first forgotten but later remembered by many generations of ancestors. You passed the very most important Trial of Loyalty and there is now alliance that you seek between Earth and Cait.


The Dogmans are fools that we pity. They fought with the Bast many times ago, but Bast were very smart and caused the Dogmans to make mistakes they did not know they were making. That is how very smart people fight, yes? Now the Dogmans are caught in endless cycles. They never get stronger, only do the same forever and ever, and for that we must pity them. We can foresee their cycles too. We knew the Dogmans would come when the moons aligned, such as they always have, because Bast made it so. We brought good Humans here because we knew good Humans would help us. The Bast knew. Bast made great Ball of String, see? Very smart.


But I am sad. For Cait nears the end of an era, when the last seeds of the wise Bast fade from my people. Where will they find guidance? My people are strong, but we all need guidance, Commodore. I think the Humans will guide us when the new era comes, yes? The other good races that the Humans bring together will guide us. All will guide each other. And the new era will be greater than the old era.


To Commodore Moose and his good crew: I thank you all for being such good guests! And for bringing such good gifts, as good guests know to do! We hope you will bring us more of the Cognac soon, yes? Very good!


You are all wonderful explorers and you have the support of Cait as you meet the challenges that the great galaxy has to offer. But you are called Challenger and that is very Human name. You do not see the universe challenging you on your voyages, you see other way around. You shake your fists at the universe and dare it to stop you from seeing your dreams come alive. Good defiant Humans came out of terrible world war to become great explorers and beacons of peace. Good defiant Humans brought peace to races that have long been at war. You would be defiant no matter what happens, yes? For the challenges you meet are not always ones to be expected; always we must look within, for there the greatest challenges lie, yes?


To the Humans that sent the good Commodore to us: you want pretty rocks from Caitian belt? "Dilithium" you call it, but I think that sounds too deadly and I will call it "pretty rocks." You may mine the belt, as the good Tellarites do, but we warn you the same as we warn them. To abuse the good will of others is not very smart, and to be guided by need for too much is to see your own downfall. Remember this and understand later if you choose to be misguided thus.


Caitians have long been quiet, but many changes come. We know you are forming a Coalition of Planets, yes? We wish to join you in this, for the Humans have helped us believe that a bond can be made to hold all the great races together in peace and understanding. They have been defiant and we will stand with them, no matter what challenges they make.


Most Joyfully and Respectfully,

M'nerrva, Elder of N'Gora tribe

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