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More fun than an Excalibur full of Xaviers...

Xaiver looked over the console where he was coordinating the efforts of the station to accept Excalibur's poor lifeless hulk. Pouring over the diagrams of what the ship was supposed to be like, but getting live reports from within that said otherwise.


A crew member of the station walked up behind Xavier and spoke to Sorehl,


"Sir, I've completed my work on bringing the moorings into place for the Excalibur. I had to jury rig a custom implant for one of the umbilicals. I found the mounting system three decks down. Quite a beating."


Xavier furrowed his brows. "Poor thing. My first assignment and I get to clean up after someone else's party." He sighed and continued working on his station assessment.


Continuing his work, Xaiver headed down to the primary umbilical segments and got a first hand view of the ship.


Something clicked, and his thoughts shifted to something more personal...




::enables his personal recorder::


"Holy Good God. What a mess. I've seen the sovereign class starships before, and I've seen some pretty well beaten up ones, but this ship took the cake. I don't think I've ever seen actual physical hardware displaced as badly as this ship had been in. I wonder how on earth that happened to her. It's a miracle that as many people are alive as they are. "


Xavier pondered over his training at Starfleet as he looked on, in a peaceful respect of the ship, USS Excalibur.


"NCC-2004-B. What a fine designation." His eyes swept over her hull, almost in a tearful recall of her more glorious days.


Eyeing the aft section of the ship, noticing an obvious external damage arrangement from both weapons blast and a sudden powerup of the Impulse drive. The damage as extensive as he saw, still a glimmer of hope within.


"We'll have you back to power in no time ol' gal. No time at all."

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