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"Shore Leave"

“Shore Leave”

Personal Log

Ensign Jerry Graham

Challenger NX-05




When I got back home from quite the trip around the stars, some Engineers, wanting to know about any advancement briefed me for an hour, that have been made. I directed them all to Mr. Daryus Williams. When they got to him I just waved and smiled, and said see you in a week. I hopped on a shuttle pod and headed for Tehachapi to see his son and parents.

When I got there Jason ran to me his arms wide open; I picked him up and twirled him around in my arms. I carried him into the house and sat down on the couch and talked with Mom and Dad about what I’ve been doing for the past 6 months that they haven’t heard from me. I had no idea of what they were talking about, but I did tell them about what has been happening.

For the first night home Mom made her famous cheesecake, I ate it all.

I had invited Tom Robertson to spend leave with us, seeing how his wife was assigned to Columbia, he got there the next day with some disturbing news about Moose and Moore, that affects the whole crew.


“Jerry we need to talk for a minute or two, it’s about Moose.” Tom had the gravest look on his face. We went into my room, I thought that he was about to tell me that they found his body and he was dead.


“All right give it to me, I’m ready,” I said, almost ready to cry.


“All right I have heard that there are those who believe that Moose is responsible for our lost 6 months, and that he has been considered an enemy of StarFleet.” I jumped to my feet, about to punch a hole in the wall.


“How the Hell can they think that, if it wasn’t for Moose Challenger would never have gotten out of the doors, also Moore played a pretty good role also,” I said.


Tom just stared into my eyes, he was remembering I had this much fury in my eyes and that was when Jetye was killed, “there’s more, I have also heard that we’re not the crew that will go out and look for him, and StarFleet has just decided to consider him a terrorist against StarFleet. There was this Lieutenant that told asked me if I was serving on Challenger, I told him I was he told me that StarFleet was giving us a new Commanding officer and they were shipping Moore out, but all this is here say, I just wanted to let you know what people were saying. And I think it might be true.”


“Alright thanks Tom, looks like we’re going to have an interesting welcome back.” I told him, lying through my teeth, I thought if they get rid of the commanding staff then they might decide that the crew under Moose have all become defects.


The rest of leave, I spent with Jason, he slept in my bed with me, we went through the park, and played some games. And we just hung out. The night before Tom and I headed back to San Fransisco, Jason begged me to stay, I told him that I couldn’t, but I promised that I would always write.

The next morning I kissed him good bye, and Tom and I got a ride back to StarFleet, where for some reason I felt a little out of place.



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