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Zack Yuuko-Chen

"Chlorophyll Blues"

Lt. Zack Chen

Chief Science officer

Away Team Report




Current Situation: The away team of 5 has landed on the Romulan Occupied planet, Our goal is to assertain the numbers and tactical positions of the Romulan encampment. For now, we elude their scanners by modulating our own tricorders to emit a small amplitude scattering field, taking turns on different tricorders so the signal is irregular and to conserve power cells. It has been obviously more than 40 minutes into the mission and we did not receive hail from excalibur, no explanation or speculation was made as to why this was so. For the duration of the mission there was only One close encounter with a romulan patrol, fortunately they did not discover us. It is evident that Romulans are holding Starfleet officers here, whether or not if they were forcibly captured or rescued is unknown.


Plan of Action: Stay hidden ... gather more intelligence on what Romulan processes are going on in their encampment. Gather some wild plant life for study.


Chen squatted beneath the trunk of an ancient tree covered safely by bushes scattered through out. His tricorder still emitting the scattering field while taking in passive scans he and the rest of the team waited while observed. Cmdr. Graham had the tactical position firmly pounded out, Lt. Delgado awaited them to be injured while he and Lt. Baund waited. Two scientists, hardly fighters by the conventional means, sure that this mission was purely passive but one security protection gave him something to be alert about.


He was worried now, more than ever. The ship did not contact them, the hour dragged and the Romulans were stepping randomly around while those Prisoners hoped for rescue.


"please be soon, please be soon, please be soon." Chen muttered to himself like a lucky charm chant. For something else for his mind to chew on, he picked up a branch that had fallen and studied it. Chen liked plants, and now he was surrounded by them, mesmorized by them. He relaxed ... but for how long ....?

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