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A long way home... (pt. 1)

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First, a little background info. After a two year hiatus, I've decided to try to return to simming for good. Hopefully, it works out. Last time, work got in the way.. a whole bunch of other stuff happend. Blah, blah blah. This is an attempt to recover the Quv storyline in a respectable manner. I still have a soft spot in my heart for my character and want him to return.. but not just out of the blue. This is an attempt to put a story... and some adventure... into Quv's disappearance. Enjoy...

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Quv grinned as he walked down the corridor of small shops. He'd felt the most at ease he'd felt in a long time. He picked up a small trinket as the vendor began to describe it to him. He nodded, however his only thoughts were of what Random would think of it. Quv did not give gifts very often, so he wanted it to be meaningful. He grinned and set the item back down, thanking the vendor. He'd think it over and stop in tommorrow morning before the Qob departed.

He grabbed the next turbolift. Nodding to a few smiling faces along the way as Quv approached the door. A slight chill came over him as he entered his quarters aboard the starbase. He shook it off, and decided to call it a night. "Computer, lights." He let several seconds pass. "Computer, lights." A voice pierced through the shadows. "They are not going to work, Quv." He immediately turned around towards the door as it slid shut. He pounded on it, however nothing happend. He tapped his comm badge "Quv to Qob. Emergency." His badge blipped. The voice spoke again "Don't bother, we've been planning this quite a while." He nodded, turned around and began to run at the shadow. A bright green glow surrounded the figure, and now Quv. "NOOOOOOO." A transport had initiated.


Two days later......


His lip bleeding, his arm broken, and his right eye swollen shut. Quv neeled on the floor below the bright light, still contemplating a way out of the situation. A door opened in the dark shadows, and a figure walked through towards Quv. "Centurion tRein." he mumbled. "Well, actually, it's Commander tRein. But you are right, Lieutenant Quv." The tall Romulan stepped into the light, making himself visible. "Didn't you learn from our last encounter?" Quv said as he then spit blood onto the floor in front of him. "There was nothing to learn, only wounds to be remembered.... and now that you aren't accompanied by a Starfleet strike team... this will give us more time to talk." tRein began walking, circling around Quv. "It was exactly ten years ago, to this day that you and your team invaded the outpost on Talos V, destroying alll life with it." His fist clinched tighter as the memory became more clearer. "If the Romulans hadn't been manufacturing a biogenic planet killer at that outpost, I would've been able to stay home." Quv grinned. "There is no humor here." The Romulan struck the broadside of his boot across the back of Quv's head. "It was being used to research a cure for a disease on Talos V." Slowly, Quv rose back to his knees, still keeping his hands on the cold floor for stability. "I read the official reports, and I know what I saw, Commander. I'll make no apologies."



Eight months later...........


The sun glared in the sky, with puffy clouds and birds chirping in the background. Quv nodded as he lifted his pick axe above his head and drove it back down into the ground. The Romulan on horseback holding the disruptor began talking with another guard. A Talarian wearing dirty garbs approaches the area where Quv is digging a trench. He whispers "You are the one who seeks out." Quv continues working, keeping a low profile. "I thought that's what everyone wanted." The Talarian replies "But you are Starfleet... Special Division... you may benefit from me... so I may benefit from you." The Romulan on horseback begins to trot over in their direction. Quv continues working "Leave me alone, we'll talk later."

Later than evening, the Talarian approaches Quv in the common area of the prison. "We may speak now?" Quv steps towards the Talarian and they begin whispering. "How and why?" he mumbles. "I have connections. Why? We both have the same reasons. To get off of this planet." Quv looks around, cautiously. "What does this have to do with me?" "We both want to leave, you are the only one who can get us beyond the security field. No one else being held here has ever broken into or out of a Romulan outpost before." Quv nods. "When?" The Talarian smiles "Three days, my brother will be delivering supplies to this sector. We will talk as it comes sooner." Quv nods again, and walks away from the Talarian. As he does, the Talarian notices the tattoo the Romulans have placed on the back of Quv's now bald head. It reads "DANGEROUS."


Seven months later.......


A Cardassian Warship zooms past the listening post at high warp. The elderly officer aboard it mumbles "Someone's in a hurry." His younger counterpart nods and goes back to looking down at his PADD. Quv is in temporary quarters onboard the warship. It's commander, Gul Remal enters Quv's quarters. "I don't think it is possible for you to even fathom the kind of punishment I would receive for doing this." Looking down at star charts, Quv doesn't even lift his head. "Then you shouldn't have made that promise." Remal sits in the chair across from Quv. "I know, I told you that if you ever needed a favor, that all you had to do was ask. But why now? Why so long since we've seen each other? And why are we to rendenveous with a Ferengi freighter for pete's sake?" As he sets down his, tablet Quv's demeanor turns serious. "I need to find them. I need to find my ship. And I need to find my crew." "Surely, you must be joking. How do you, a sole individual, plan to find and intercept a vessel you have no idea it's location, no idea whether it still even exsists?" Quv folds his arms. "I've talked with a few people who've had contact with the Qob since it left me. I'm going to use this information to triangulate their position." He pauses. "I'm also going to hitchhike." The Cardassian begins to laugh hysterically as he stands up. "That's what I love about you Quv. Everything with you is a hill to be conquered. You are insane, Quv. However I hope you do find your crew. We will intercept the Ferengi freighter in four days." Quv shakes his hand "Thank you."


To be continued......

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