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Something Fishy

First Lieutenant Brian Smith walked into Science Lab Three. The room was fairly dark. He would have to get with engineering on that. Scientists work best in as much light as possible.


In the shadows, near a fairly large instrument panel, He saw a body that he hadn't crossed paths with in quite a while.


"So," he started. "How was that shore leave of yours."


"Ahh, it was good sir. I went shopping then had a nice dinner at the station's restaurant." Pierre said. He felt bad having shoreleave while Smith had to mind the bridge, but it was one of the few perks of being the low man on the totem pole on a given ship.



"Yeah. I wish I'd had some. But it comes with the territory. I'm gonna make sure I grab some on our next stop. Whenever that may be."


He stepped on the other side of the computer monitor, trying to get a closer look at the piece of debris. It was highly damaged, and it was hard for him to tell, by sight, what kind of weapons caused the damage.


"Have you found anything interesting?"


"Yes sir. This time, the damage seems to have been caused by a concentrated disruptor type weapon. Origns as of yet are unknown. But is is very strong" replied he.



"Wow...Let me take a closer look."


Pierre moved enought to let Smith have a closer look. Smith noticed a pattern in the weapons fire. He knew exactly who had attacked this ship, and he knew he had to tell the Commander.


"Great work Pierre. I've got to get this to the Commander. Keep working and see if you can't get deeper into this mess."


Brian headed for the turbolift, PADD in hand, to hand-deliver his findings to the Commander. The readings were that important, and he knew very well that something fishy had transpired in the Hekara sector, for more than just the last few days.

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