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Cptn Elias Moore

"Loose Ends"

There was a flurry of activity on Challenger's Bridge as Tholian technicians moved between the stasis crystals monitoring the memory dam protocols. Each of the crystals was glowing and its attached equipment crackling. The complicated process taking place within involved the stimulation of any memories acquired since the crew had entered stasis followed by the placement of bioneural blocks specially keyed to suppress only those memories.


Tholian bioneural technology was only so advanced, however, so the procedure would not be perfect. The episodic memories--the specific sensations, experiences, and knowledge collected--would be blocked, the crew effectively having no idea that a 'Dimension 13' even exists and no memory of any details from the USS Defiant. But the more deeply rooted semantic memories, those not tied to any specific experiences, could still influence each crew member--emotional sensations that can't be tied to any stimulus, creative inspiration that seems to come from nowhere, and possibly even dreams (or nightmares) that are forgotten in the morning. Since such memories are shrouded in ambiguity anyway, the crew would never become too suspicious of their source. The dam would be effective enough for all intents and purposes.


Doctors Tirken and Setik were aware of much bigger problems. So far, they had filled no one in on Commodore Moose's escape; in fact, they planned not to. The two scientists were prominent officials in the Directorate of Interdimensional Affairs, and, like all of their colleagues, both had their eyes on even higher ranks--elevation to a position at the Board's conference table, eventual appointment to the position of Directorate Chairman, assignment from there to the position of Science Advisor on the Assembly Council, and, perhaps, ultimately, election to the position of Grand Councilor. The success of as sensitive a mission as the Dimension 13 Project would guarantee the immediate promotion of everyone involved. But the threads of promotion for Tirken and Setik would be cut if their critical mistake was discovered by those in charge, namely Rubik and Kinton. So they remained silent, claiming that a severe engine failure resulted in the vaporization of the missing craft, and reporting that they'd already prepared the Commodore's crystal for the memory dam.


Setik leaned over to Tirken and spoke in the chirping, clicking equivalent of a whisper. "You're *certain* this will work."


Tirken glanced at his colleague. "Certain? Well... no. Theoretically, however, and even quite likely, the stasis crystal will not be required to ensure the Commodore's return."


"'Theoretically?!'" Setik huffed, his voice slightly raised. He glanced around and restored his voice to a whisper. "Even if the Commodore has returned, he's out there somewhere with a Tholian craft. Doesn't that compromise some kind of security? These humans should not have access to that kind of technology!"


"True. But that's a risk I believe we can live with. If anything, it will only ensure that the Commodore finds his way back to this ship more quickly."


"And if he *hasn't* returned, Tirken?" Setik asked angrily. "If the Dimension 13 Moose is still in this dimension, wandering around with a Tholian craft? He could end up causing even more continuum damage! We can't keep this charade up long."


"Even in that highly unlikely scenario, how much damage could one man possibly do? At least the technology he's acquired is not from the future. And if any damage is caused, it will likely not be for many more cycles. Think about it, Setik. By that time, we'll probably be on the Assembly Council, *giving* orders to Rubik rather than obeying them."


"The scandal it would cause! You're going to be the chipping of me, Tirken!" Setik complained. "I can't believe you let him escape! And now you're going to drag me into a conspiracy that could cost us our cranial formations!"


"My good Doctor, I have survived a long chase through a dreadfully warm corridor, even as continuum fluctuations ripped at my body with increasing strength and frequency." Tirken looked over at Setik. "Danger is now my middle designation."


Tirken laughed, but Setik fumed, as the crystal beside the command chair was dissolved and the released Commander Moore was caught by the attending technicians and laid out on the deck. Thick red smoke filled the Bridge as more of the crystals were dissolved, and a shipwide comm opened, congratulating the technicians on a job well done and ordering them back to their ships for the return home...

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