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Blu duty log 9607.28 pt. 1

Subject: Blu duty log 9607.28 pt. 1

Date: Sun, Jul 28, 1996 8:15 PM

From: LCdrBlurox



::crawling through yet another Jefferies tube, Blu paused to take another reading on her tricorder.  Yes, she was catching up to the life form..although it didn't seem to be very strong..::  Geez, I hope I'm not following some stupid trat that got onboard at the station.  ::re-clipping the device to her belt, she continued on her way.  Momentarily stopping, wriggling her nose...::  Achhoo... , I've got to talk to Kel about getting these tubes dusted out now and then, it's awfully dusty in here.::  Once

again, checking the reading, she knew she was almost upon it.  Hoping that her sneeze hadn't given her away..she sat quietly listening, and looking ahead to the next junction.  Calmly she drew her phaser, setting it on a light stun setting of 2, and waited.  


Only a moment passed, before her  mysterious lifeform made itself known. .::Mreow!!::  as the cat rounded the corner, and walk halfway towards her, before sitting it's self down, and washing it's paws.  Blu exhaled a breath, that she hadn't realized she had been holding.  Placing the phaser on her belt, she quickly used the tricorder to confirm that this was the lifeform she was tracking.  Confirming that it was, she also placed the tricorder on her belt and sat down a moment. Her knees were getting a

bit sore anyway.  


Blu>  Guess you were forgotten since the captain was off the ship, huh little one. Come on, come over here, and we'll go get you something to eat.


:: at the word eat, the little cat pricked it's ears, and made it's way over towards Blu.  Blu scooped up the little cat and made her way to the nearest access hatch.


Blu> No reason to crawl through more of these tubes until we need a ladder.  Let's get out here.


::pulling the manual lever to open the access panel, the door opened, and she crawled out, cat tucked safely in the crook of her arm. Having a thought that made her cringe, she went over to the wall panel, and tried to access the computer::


Blu> Computer...Holly... Query for you.  How many pets are maintained aboard the Republic by it's crew and family?


Holly> Counting you?


Blu> ::annoyed:: NO, not counting me...I need to know just how many of these animal are onboard that will need taking care of.


Holly>  Animals!!! Onboard my Starship!!?? Man the life boats!!  Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!!


Blu> Lions and tigers and .....TIGERS!!..OH MY INDEED !!!!  Riker's tiger..it's probally getting a might hungry just about now.  And with the way the computer's been working, it may not even still be in his quarters.  Come on kitty, let's get you to your quarters, where it's safe, and you can eat.


::Blu took off at a quick sprint until she reached the shaft that she was looking for.  Placing the cat in the front of her jumpsuit..she quickly climbed the ladder that took her to deck 8, where the command staff was housed. Passing Rikers quarters on her way to the captains quarters, her first concern was realized...the door way open.

Quickly peeking in, she confirmed the the big cat wasn't there.::


Blu>  Oh, swell..just what I need, something else to be worried about.  Well, at least I know the turbolifts are jammed, it's got to be around here somewhere.  Let's go little cat.


::slowly they made thier way along the corridor, checking into any quarters that also had their doors open.  Still no tiger..where had it' gotten too?  Suddenly, she heard a ruckus down the corridor, the snarling of a big cat, and what sounded like someone shouting!!  Oh, geez, don't let that cat be attacking someone!! she thought.  Sprinting towards the sound, she realized it was coming from the captain's quarters. Bursting into the room, drawing her phaser once again, she looked about for the hapless

victim.  But all she saw, was the tiger sitting on the bed, snarling at the bird that she had seen the captain bring onboard.  Looking around to see just who she had heard screaming at the cat, she couldn't find anyone...until the bird screach.

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