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Sergio Giovanni

Off We Go, Now

"Off We Go, Now"

Log entry 28: 27 June, 2155


Sergio placed his Science kit under his seat in the shuttle pod and sat back as Walker took the pod out of the Challenger's launch bay. With a team consisting of his Science lackeys, Krasner, Walker and some other people, they were headed towards Earth and the massive Imperial computer core.


It would be awhile before Shuttlepod 2 reaches Earth, giving Sergio some time to rest before the impending mission, but rest did not come to Sergio who was naturally too apprehensive about this mission infiltrating a heavily guarded Imperial compound to sleep.


To say this mission was extremely dangerous was an understatement. He looked over at Lt. T'Parek who had the computer virus with her. Hopefully, she'll make it to the Imperial computer core and download the virus into their databanks, rendering the massive computer inoperable and giving the Imperial Empire a major, major blow.


He almost thought the team in Shuttle 1 had it easier. They were headed to the USS Defiant, the large starship from a future dimension with the intent on destroying it. Too bad, Sergio thought.. As a Scientist, Sergio would have looked to have looked around that ship and explore it's capabilities and especially it's Science banks. Oh well.


Enroute, Sergio drank a thermos full of coffee and popped some pep pills in his mouth to keep himself awake, alert and active. Sergio hadn't slept since coming to this parallel dimension, but did manage to sneak in a quick half hour catnap in his quarters.


Wanting to prepare himself, Sergio brought up a schematic of the Imperial compound on his display screen. "Looks like we'll be arriving here" Sergio said pointing to an area of the compound. "And the computer core is all the way down there. It's quite heavilly guarded, as is most of the compound. Sigh.. we'll have to keep on our toes and stick with our covers for as long as we can" Sergio said to the team.


It was a long journey from their arrival point to the computer core most likely to be filled with strife and difficulties. Sergio could only hope and pray that they would be successful in their endeavours...

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