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Trying to get a grip on the exact situation on the station, Victor was attempting to pump the computer for information on recent events. However, the only information he was being given was that being given information was not allowed.








“Come on you blasted thing! I’m a medical officer. I work here. I repeat, ‘Doctor Victor Images’.”








“Oh cut me some slack!”








“Oh shove off” he muttered as he moved away from the console.




Around him, everything was a shambles with wounded coming in and out, personnel hurrying down corridors with trays full of equipment, doctors attempting to keep those clinging to the edge alive and all he could do was stand by like an idiot since he had no idea what was going on. He also couldn’t do much until his security clearance was given back and he was officially reinstated to his post. People have a nasty habit of getting angry with doctors who aren’t legitimately allowed to give medical aid, especially when something bad happens like the patient dying. Before he could do what he wanted and help the maimed individuals in the medical bay, he’d have to immediately see the person in charge of personnel assignments, the station’s executive officer and that was…he realized with a groan…Commander Ethan Hawke.




“Oh dear.” He sighed.




Victor had a feeling he wasn’t very popular with the top brass of the station. Too many stupid stunts, disagreements in policy and foolish personal crusades had likely earned him very little love from those guys. If it wasn’t for Sheepy backing him up a lot of the time (more than he should of) Victor knew he would probably have been shipped out ages ago. But now Sheepy seemed to be gone and he’d have to face this one on his own.




It wouldn’t be pretty. The chiefs would not likely be in any mood to help or have any time to spare with their hands full of urgent repairs and an imminent Breen attack he’d heard was looming over them. However, he considered, Hawke could be so busy that she’d rush his problem just to get it out the way and he’d be back on the job instantly.




The worst thing that could happen though, would be that on sight they would bust him down for his AWOL, get him locked in the brig and hold him for questioning on where he had been. For most people that wouldn’t be likely but Victor wasn’t most people as his regular heated arguments with Captain Ayers before his disappearance had proved.




“Well”, he thought to himself, “All I can do is show honest, respectful, officer-like behaviour…and then if that works, get the hell back down here before they change their minds or one of these patients gets any worse.”




Victor walked with purpose out of the medical bay and into the turbolift. He would have dramatically said “Control Tower” but he realized he was in the wrong pylon.




“Midway Junction”, he said dramatically instead.

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