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Improbable for a Nap?

Lt. Mc'Cellan

Chief Medical

2155, June 23




Oh, how have I just realized the things that had been going on ... I say it is quite strange why somebody would "transfer" people from another universe to another, but of course wondering about something like that wouldn't prevent it from happening, or reverse the fact that it already happened. It wasn't fair of them, we never agreed to anything that amounted to this. But it happened any way.


The verdict? We are here, in a realm of insanely different race of humans, a war like human race, transferred by aliens that want us to destroy some weird thing from the future. I know I am but a simple minded doctor but that is one heck of a thing to be asked of during an ordinary day. Though it was just an ordinary day before this occured.


I lie here on the biobed, reading what seem to be my assistant's report and figuring out what was going on. Apparently I went insane an hour ago, I also jot down this note - Radiation is bad for the crew. And I bet any one on this ship a couple of drinks that this note would never be taken seriously and crew placed under just that circumstance.


Besides my concerns I do have questions on my mind. If this universe is an alternate universe of our own then the people within it might be identical to our own but different. That brings me to the process of wondering about Willow Mc'Daniel, she left Challenger before we were switched so I wonder if she did that here as well. Perhaps for a different reason but I can't help my curiousity but think about what would have happened to her here. Was she still alive here? Being an evil overlord developing bio-weapons for the empire? Or suffering in a prison camp?


I can see all the possibilites, most of them weren't good so I must stop thinking about it. My, the biobed here is comfortable, and seeing Mr. Remux is doing an excellent job of clearing most of the crew fit for duty I think I'll just take a small nap.


Would I wake up to a better place than here? I think that's an improbability.

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