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Darth Dumbass II

I sat next to our mysterious visitor in the mess hall, casually observing her, picking up bits and pieces of information and mentally filing them away. She did seem to enjoy the bloodwine, and a result we learned a lot of information. Apparently this woman is a smuggler and is part of an organized but decentralized network of smugglers. She has her assigned route and product mix and, for the most part, does not deviate from this. Nor does she know who the operatives are.


When I inquired about the dead bodies found in her cargo hold she admitted that her particular primary stock in trade was smuggling slaves, not all of whom survive. She then started talking about a new adversary - new to us, anyway - called the H'tiss which apparently controls large parts of this galaxy. She also answered a few questions about the crystals found in these Lightsabers which apparently only come from her home planet. She must have realised she was giving us too much information and started to withdraw. Thats when I acted.


The bloodwine caused her to loose her coordination, so under guise of helping her to her seat I attempted a mind meld. Even drunk, her resistance was considerable. After two attempts I could not get a good physical lock, but my link with her was strong enough to induce her into providing more information. I could sense the truth in what she was saying. Perhaps telepathy just works different with this species.


However, A Vulcan with Starfleet training should not have attempted such an invasive procedure against an intoxicated alien even if information we needed, especially since we didn't appear to be in immediate danger. Cause for concern this is. I felt as if it was the will of some unknown force guiding my actions. I started sensing this presence around the time we entered this galaxy. Feel all right I do, but... different something feels, and I can't explain it. My thought process is still logical, but more intuitive than rational my thought process has been. Residual effects from Pon Farr? Possible, but unlikely. My Pon Farr was almost a year ago and occurred without incident. Yet something is happening to me.


Meditate on this I must.

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