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Pierre La Toque

Marish the Thought

"Marish the Thought"

Log entry 02: SD 10505.31




^ Sheng-ji... Bare necessities!


"Eh? What the deuce?" Pierre muttered. Tapping a button on his console, a weird picture of a dog-man, named Sheng-ji just coming out of the shower appeared on his screen. Pierre assumed this was just some kind of joke on the poor bloke (who Pierre later found out worked as an Engineer here on the Raeant) by the Engineering crew, and continued on with his research in Engineering.


Out of the corner of his eye, Pierre could see Lt. Mclean hard at work on whatever it was he was doing at the moment. Pierre kind of scratched his head and stretched for a bit, before replicating some coffee and resuming his thorough examination of the piece of melted debris he was looking at. He was hoping to ascertain what caused the explosion in the Tholian ship that unfortunately killed the Ambassador of that race to the Federation.


Judging by the force of the explosion. Pierre could already tell that the explosion was indeed from inside, and not by external forces as he originally thought. His first assumption was possibly a warpcore breach or by sabotage. His gut feeling pulling towards the later. Especially since the explosion didn't seem to be consistant with that of a warp core breach.


Working at it for the better part of a few hours, Pierre still only had assumptions and not much in the line of hard-core evidence to support his claim. So, he sat back down at the terminal station and decided to get help from higher up. Tapping his comm-badge, Pierre tried the bridge.


"This is Ensign Pierre La Toque to the Tactical Officer. I wonder if you can do me a favour and scan the debris perhaps for a log recorder of the Tholian ship's last minutes? Or, anything else for that matter that may help in finding what caused the explosion. Get back to be and thanks in advanced. La Touque out" Pierre then cut the comm and let the Tac officer to do his work whilst Pierre did his. Hoping that they could come up with some kind of solution.

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This was Marish as a Freshman in the Academy...


Don't ask where I found this file...but his name starts with a Deep and ends with a Throat. You'll never find out.... wait... darn!



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Indeed, gazundheit. ^_^

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::hands Ah-windu a tissue::


Your name is a sneeze.

Or a growl as the case may be.... ^_^

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Or a growl as the case may be.... ^_^

Indeed, gazundheit. 


oh boy

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Why did I leave the ship again>


Oh yeah...

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