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Cptn Corizon

Pressing Issues

Ah-Windu Corizon stood on the observation deck of the USS Lotus as it approached the Starbase Camelot and the Avalon system. War, or the threat of war, seemed to control his destiny. A few days ago he had been happily stationed at Earth developing knew contingency plans for a possible withdrawal from Cardassia Prime.


Then he had been contacted by Vice-Admiral Nugira, his commanding officer. He was being reassigned. Apparently the Romulans and the Dominion weren’t playing well together, and it was threatening the fragile peace between the major powers.


Ah-Windu scratched behind his ears as the star field infront of him whizzed by. He wasn’t entirely comfortable with his new assignment—he didn’t know the first thing about Admiral Wayne Day, nor any of the crew.


He’d never been staioned on a Starship, let alone be the first officer of one. He’d been quite happy in his ‘desk’ job, however, it seemed Nugira or fate…depending on your interpretation had other ideas for him.


Corizon sighed to himself as he leaned against the window. “Talk about trial by fire,” he said to himself.


It was not as if his first job on starship was going to be easy either. The Federation had been put in a most precarious situation by the Romulans. They had invaded a native system of the Gamma Quadrant , one that had been important enough to the Dominion 50 years ago to send the Jem’Hadar in.


For some reason though, the Vorta Council had yet to react to the situation, which troubled Corizon even more.


Then there was the Armante situation. In his position at ATAG he’d been able to access most of the material involving both Camelot and Excalibur, and that little gem of data had nearly sent Corizon through the roof.


How dare the Romulans act as if the prisoner was their sole property. Although he did have to admit, it was an ingenious way to disguise their battle fleet, and enough of a distraction to allow for their operation.


Again he sighed to himself, just another item on the list of issues that he would be confronting.


His train of thought was interrupted by a hissing of the door. “Commander,” the voice of a young Ensign called out.


“Yes,” Corzion said turning, his hears standing straight up at attention.


“We’re almost to the Avalon system,” the young ensign said. “The Captain thought you’d like to know, sir.”

Corizon examined the Ensign for a few moments before he said anything at all. “Thank you,” he said turning back to the window.


Unsure of what to do, the Ensign stood there for a few minutes.


Corizon sighed, dropping his ears to either side. “Dismissed.”

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