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Jaylen Falco

Bad Day

"Core meltdown in 2 minutes 30 seconds," said the computer as Jaylen stood at the core controls. "Computer, reroute power to the primary containment field."


Suddenly everything went dark, and the holodeck deactivated itself. "What's going on?" I asked myself. Then the red alert came. Before I could react, a large explosion erupted around me, and the ceiling from the room collapsed. I ducked down best I could as debris and parts of the bulkhead fell around me. Then I blacked out.


Minutes later I awoke only to see almost complete darkness, save for a few sparks that went off every few seconds. I realized I was lucky enough to not have any large chunks of debris or bulkhead to hit me, but as I tried to stand a sharp pain shot through me ankle. I quickly sat back down and began examining it with my hands. "Must haves sprained it when I fell."


Jaylen then reached for his communicator and activated it. "Falco to Zhu. Chief can you hear me?" No response. "Falco to Sickbay. Falco to Control Tower. Falco to anybody?" The comm must have been dead, or worse. Maybe everyone else was dead. No that can't be it. Why would he be the only one to survive? There must be some explanation for it, but for now Jaylen would just have to sit there, and hope that someone was coming to help.

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