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"Asking the Impossible

GromVik’s Logs (Log 58)

Lieutenant Commander GromVik

Chief Engineer

Sky Harbor Aegis


"Asking the Impossible”



“Computer, open personal log and begin recording…


Never once in all my years of service has the authority, which I am under oath to submit to, asked me to accomplish such an impossible task.  Upon leaving Aegis, Captain Meve ordered me to create a program that would virtually disable every system on the station at the moment of enaction.  The order I carried out swiftly with the assistance of Ensign DeMore, putting off sleep and neglecting hunger.  After many painstaking simulations, “the bug” was created and soon after used to render Aegis useless except for its sensor systems.  These systems were left in tact for the primary reason of gathering information from the Cardassian planet, which we believed was unstable and on the verge of collapsing.  Never did the thought cross our minds that we would return to the same planet and orbital station that was doomed to destruction just a few days previous.  For me, the somber reality of the station’s destruction came into full view when its image faded into the empty canopy of space upon our exodus.

Now new emotions fill my head knowing the possibility that Aegis may still exist and the new order from Meve as a result to this fact.  I question the reasoning and logical processes of trying to hide in a convoy of enemy ships of unknown capabilities.  Orders such as these clearly display signs of irrational thinking.  Nonetheless, he is the commanding officer and it is my responsibility to carry out his orders to the best of my ability.  Even that previous statement compels me to think.  By blindly following orders of what I deem to be foolish, is that fulfilling my job to the best of my ability?  Captain Meve has told me he wants the station functional in a short time after our arrival.  He, Commander Ayers and I all know that what he is asking is impossible.  Even with a team of Star Fleet’s finest, the job of beginning to undo what was ordered to be done would take months, perhaps more than a year.

My options do not appear to be pleasant.  At this point in my career, I do not feel it is wise to challenge the authority over me.  I will obey orders despite what my brain is telling me.  Preparations for rapid restoration are underway.  My plans are to see if we can first bring the power systems online.  From there tactical systems will need to be restored probably very shortly after power is restored, because I doubt our alien friends will be too keen on our return to Aegis.  The mountain that towers before me seems unconquerable…but I have seen stranger things, even if the impossible is being asked.

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