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Cptn Elias Moore

First Officer's Report

I.S.S. Challenger, First Officer's Report

Mission Summation: The Sacking of Cait


"Our mission has met with success. The Dogman attack neutralized Cait's defenses; our bombardment of their major cities met with no resistance. Finally, Caitian technology, long an object of interest of the Empire, was ours for the taking. It was only a matter of time, of course, with the Empire's recent acquisition of the mysterious USS Defiant and the... insertion of a new, more aggressive leadership. But this window of opportunity could not be passed up.


"What resistance my team encountered on the surface was put down with ease. The focus of our pillaging was the Caitian capitol, sufficiently laid to waste by Lieutenant Westler's orbital bombardment. Ensign Connor grabbed some hardware from the ruined capitol dome, but the real treasure trove was the database we were able to download from the Caitian central computer. Their core is subterranean, so it managed to survive the attack, a stroke of luck for the Empire.


"Lieutenant Williams, once he is released from the Brig for failing to meet the Commodore's repair deadlines, will be able to provide a full report on the technological advances this database can offer us. If our preliminary intelligence on Cait was accurate, their technological capabilities are actually on par with the USS Defiant. If the intelligence was not accurate, Lieutenant Krasner will take Lieutenant Williams' place in the Brig. The database also contains a wealth of medical information, particularly as it pertains to sub-Human biology. This information will no doubt aid Lieutenant McCellan and the science staff in developing better bioweapons.


"While the Caitians presented little danger to the salvage team, there has been insubordination and the unearthing of a possible conspiracy. Ensign Allan Adams, one of our 'softer' officers as evidenced by his failure to advance in the ranks, attacked me and Ensign Connor shortly after our arrival on the surface. Failing to kill either of us, he fled and transmitted a message to the ship, traced by Lieutenant Westler to our resident Vulcan T'Parek. I suspect that something deeper is at work here.


"This annoying rebellion is popping up more and more on Starfleet's ships. Personally, I think a tougher stance needs to be taken on filtering out would-be idealists like Adams. The Commodore's desire to keep the ship's sub-Human complement limited is understandable. But even a few bad apples can spoil a bunch. Until our newly acquired technology allows us to crush the rebellion, a closer eye needs to be maintained on our younger, more easily influenced officers.


"I recommend that Adams (upon his capture) and T'Parek both be placed in the agony booth, so that the validity of my suspicions may be determined and the extent of any conspiracy uncovered. The booth is truly a marvel of modern technology, and it has proven invaluable in not only extracting information from reluctant crew of all species but also punishing those who step out of line. If T'Parek is cleared of treachery she may be released, but Adams must remain in the booth until he understands the terrible severity of his actions..."


Report Concluded


"On a related but more personal note, Lieutenant Westler's attempts to turn me against the Commodore are becoming a nuisance. His goals are clear. He cares only about his own advancement and would expect me, upon taking command, to reward him with the first officer position. But his type are too predictable; his gaze would turn to the Captain's chair and he would backstab me at the earliest opportunity. The ambitious are never satisfied; there's always a higher level for them to reach. Of course, if I were even willing to elevate myself, it would be much the other way around... I would accept his assistance in removing the Commodore, then I would have him transferred to the outpost at Hell's Gate colony.


"I'll be keeping my eye on Westler. Fine officer, remorseless trigger man, a pity if we were to lose him... but should I ever need to gain the Commodore's favor, I'm turning him in."

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