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Vectra Meriva

It's the End of the World as we know it

"It's the End of the World as We know it (And I Feel Fine)"

Log entry 76 - 18: SD 10505.10


It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.


- It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I feel fine) R.E.M.




All heck was breaking lose on what was once the prime resort planet of Risa. People running and screaming about here and there, scared for their lives. The once pristine planet was now tearing itself apart with hurricane-like winds, heavy rains and raging ocenic waves as tall as an Intrepid class cruiser. The last thing Vectra remembers was seeing a bright orange flash and hearing a near deafning explosion, just prior to beaming back from the ill-fated Arcadia.


As a former Engineer, Vectra should've suspected the faltering power levels, blowing power conduits and finally, his shorted out turbolift car all as signs of things to come. Ten minnutes later, the warpcore breached and destoryed the Arcadia.


Vectra managed to beam himself out about a minute before the core went off, but we wondered if Trichon was just as lucky. Like any stubborn Engineer, he ordered Vectra off the ship, while he stayed onboard to try and stop the core from breaching.


This started to feel like Hans' death all over again. (Although Trichon wasn't as successful as Hans was in stopping chaos from ensuing). Vectra stayed close to Miranda and some of the other crew, making sure they're safe, and they don't get lost.


As a result, the Arcadia explosion near the planet Risa, destroyed the planet's weather control satellites in the explosion, resulting in the harsh weather they are experiencing now. The harsh winds and heavy rain hit Vectra like a sledgehammer. He struggled to keep balanced as he, with the others tried to get to a safer place.


Not being able to see much infront of him, Vectra went in the direction Moose and Dac were and tried to find a building they could hide from in there, namely one of the hotels that was nearby. "There should be a hotel over this way!" Vectra yelled out to the others over the storm. Vectra held onto Miranda as he progressed to where the hotel was.


Throngs of people thought likewise and were now trying to crowd into the hotel. Like most of the other Arc crew, Vectra had no clue why this was all happening and how and if they can fix it, in the long run. Essentially shipless now, Vectra didn't even know if there was anything they could do.

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