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Sergio Giovanni



Log entry 27: 10 May 2155


To: Commodore Moose, Cdr Moore.

From: Lt. Sergio Giovanni, Chief Science Officer ISS Challenger

RE: Bio weapon experiment.

DT: 10 May 2155 TM: 1900


Enclosed. is the information and results on the bio-weapon experiment conducted by Dr. Mc Clellan, and Lt. (jg) Grey, on test subject Bell-Krasner.


Full name: Tovangelitis


Chemical Make up:


Message Truncated. Classified Information




"Enhanced" version of "Tovangelitis" disease strain as found on Mars Colony a few years ago. Strain has been enchanced and modified and will now only effect non-Terran DNA. From infection to death, takes approximately two to three weeks, whereas victims undergo exptreme states of pain, and slowly die an agonising death.




Nerve failure, stroke, spinal deterioration; leading to paralysation, brain tumours, and muscle spasms (Sourse of the most intense pain). Initial tests found that victms usually die of heart attacks, due to intensity of sufferage.


Effect on Humans:


On Sunday, 09 May, 2155 at 23:30 hours, experimentation and analysis on the effects of the biological strain "Tovangelitis" began on test subject Lt. (Jg) Bell-Krasner. Almost immediately, Mr. Krasner began to feel disoriented and dizzy, and somewhat incoherent. However, we do not believe this was a reaction to the tovangelitis strain, but rather the hypo injector. Further analysis also proved that Mr. Krasner had a high blood-alcohol level prior to testing, which probably was a factor into his reaction. Further analysis on Mr. Krasner however, has seen no other problems or symptoms detected in Mr. Krasner's blood stream. He will be kept in quarantine for a few days for observation.


Closing Notes:


If proven sucessful that the strain has no biological effects on humans, I feel that the strain will be ready for use on future Empire applications. The First being, the major population centres on the planet Cait.



End Report

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