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Neptune Rex

Ambassador Soren

Gov. Neptune Rex

May 10, 2155




Alexi Roman enter the Governor’s office in the Captial Complex of Meteora. “Governor Rex?”


It had been almost three months since Neptune had became governor of the Meteora colony, and despite his wishes to the contrary, everyone continued to call him Governor Rex.


Sighing, Neptune stood from his desk hearing Alexi approach. “Yes Alexi?”


“Ah, Governor,” he said nodding to Neptune. “I was hoping you’d be here and not in the residence.”


“I do work you know,” Neptune said coyly, “one and a while.”


“Of course.”


“Governor,” he said Alexi said a serious tone to his voice. “The Vulcan delegation has arrived, do you wish to meet them now or wait till this evening?”


Neptune sighed as the warm tropic air flowed in the open window behind him. Why Earth was sending him Vulcans was beyond him, they wouldn’t even enjoy what Meteora had to offer. But of course they weren’t here for pleasure—they were here as consultants.


Concerned by the lack of defenses at Meteora, Earth decided that it was time to ask the Vulcans how to properly protect colony worlds for the many hostile forces that lurked in the shadows.


“This evening, at the BBQ.”


“But the Vulcans are…”


“Yes I know…they can eat pineapples or something like that,” Neptune said devilishly.



Three weeks earlier, ch’Rihan


t’Revhil Rentirr salivated as she read over an intercepted communiqué that had been passed along to her by an underling.


Earth had requested the Vulcans assess and suggest improvements to their colonial defense networks. It was the perfect chance to infiltrate the lloann’na defenses and learn more about them.


Across from her sat an equally excited Rihan, Sseibh tr’Klhe. “Sseibh, au have been briefed on au mission, na?”


“Ie,” the thirty-something Tal’Shiar Agent said. “Mehnka. Then I need na tell au of the importance of this mission.”


“Of course na llaeh.”


“Mehnka,” she said with a slightly scary grin. “Au know the price of failure in this organization.”


tr’Khle gulped, he had heard of the Director’s brutality and did na wish to witness it first hand.


“H’na, quii has been arranged on Vulcan, au transport awaits. She slid hima primiative ISD device. Au travel papers, identicard, and biography. I anxiously await au first report…Ambassador Soren…”




On Meteora, tr’Khle aka Soren made his way across the landing pad and into the transport that awaited he and the other ‘Vulcan’ ambassadors. This was his first mission as a senior Tal’Shiar Agent, and he intended to make it a success.



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It should be noted that this is occuring in the normal universe ;)

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Obviously. "Ambassadors" and "delegations" imply that the Vulcans are our equals. As if! ;)

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