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Preparing for the worst and a small promise...

Ensign JP Marks stood in the transporter room with the rest of the second team. As the others talked amongst themselves, JP just stood staring at his Phaser, preparing for the worst. As much confindence as he had in himself and his new found confidence in his crewmates, he still couldn't shake the anxiety arriving with the dangerous situation.


He looked up as the rest of the Away Team piled into the Transporter Room and began getting on the transporter pad. He looked over at Commander Robair and nodded slightly and putting his phaser into his holster. He stepped up and felt the familiar rush of his molecules being scrambled and re-arranged as he re-appeared on the surface.


He looked around and took a slightly staggered breath as his body adjusted to the atmosphere on the surface. He drew his phaser as he watched the rest of the team arrive on the surface. With a look at the crew he let his mind wander to what he knew thus far from the Marine reports. There we people on that planet and there were people getting hurt. His hands tightened around his phaser as he thought back to the promise he made when he decided to return to Starfleet... The promise he made on Jia Qi's grave...


A small tear formed in his eye as he replaced the phaser into its holster and repeated the promise aloud. "I'll never let anyone else get hurt... I'll do my best to protect everyone I can..."


The order to move out was soon given as well as he wiped his tear away and begin rushing to help those in need...

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